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I usually have a self-imposed moratorium on making derogatory statements about folks that have recently passed from the earthly life form for at least a few days after they’ve been laid to rest. But in the case of John McCain I feel a stronger urge to just go ahead and shoot my mouth/keyboard off, because of the “Over The Top” 4 or 5 days of ceremony only befitting a god I had just watched. At first I thought it was just some loving grieving super-sorrowful relative planned event. Then very soon I found out John McCain himself had planned the event before he died.
I must admit I never was an ardent John McCain fan. The “Keeting Five,” “votes with Democrats on worthless gun control laws,” “McCain/Feingold” and last but not least his extra hawkish foreign policy And military intervention ideology. In short in my opinion Ole John never saw a war he didn’t like.
But I think it’s just enough more to say that after watching John’s planned magnificent event for his evacuation from this living world I can only opine that I can hardly believe that there was nary a soul at John’s funeral that thought more of John McCain than John McCain.
I must admit I never was an ardent John McCain fan. The “Keeting Five,” “votes with Democrats on worthless gun control laws,” “McCain/Feingold” and last but not least his extra hawkish foreign policy And military intervention ideology. In short in my opinion Ole John never saw a war he didn’t like.
But I think it’s just enough more to say that after watching John’s planned magnificent event for his evacuation from this living world I can only opine that I can hardly believe that there was nary a soul at John’s funeral that thought more of John McCain than John McCain.