An Extraterrestrial Thread.


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I know it is a crap TV show. But once in a while I will watch "Ancient Aliens." Sometimes they will talk about some interesting mysteries. The last time I watched it about a week ago, it was one of those "best of" sorts of shows. In it they brought up a couple notable people who said something that I figured out for myself long ago. They said the reason why humans in general aren't told of the truth about the extraterrestrials isn't because various governments don't think humans can handle the truth. It is because the extraterrestrials themselves don't want humans in general to know the reality of their existence.

On that show they brought up a top ranking scientist in Israel. Possibly their highest ranking scientist. They also brought up a person who used to be a high ranking official in the Canadian government. Both of them said that extraterrestrials have indeed made contact with various governments. But it is they themselves who don't want the human population in general to know of their existence. The reason they gave is that the extraterrestrials don't think that humanity could handle such information. In that, they are probably right.

For that, let's look at things from the extraterrestrials point of view. Surely at one time in their past, they faced the same sort of problems that humanity now does. They found the solutions to them. Otherwise, they wouldn't exist. Now, what would happen if they told humans what they must do to escape self destruction. Without a doubt many (If not most) humans would fight those solutions tooth and nail. And what are those solution? First, population control. The second, living equitably within our ecological system.

So you should be able to see the problem. First, with population control, which populations should be lowered. Possibly eliminated. Everybody who isn't White. Because Whites aren't the ones contributing to the increase in population. In fact, is some places, the population of Whites is going down some. Right now there are about 8 billion people on this planet. Every single day there are about 228,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before. Most of them aren't White. In fact, only about .5 out of 10 people on this planet are White. So with Whites not being the problem in that regard, it is the others that must be removed. You could imagine the kind of anti-racist uproar that would cause.

Next, our whole economic system is based on waste. And when it comes to a choice between making money or the environment, the environment is most likely to lose that battle. Doing something different economically would no doubt raise an pro-capitalist, anti-socialist uproar. Both of these things would be blamed on the extraterrestrials. It's no wonder they wouldn't want any part of that. I have often tried to tell people what an extraterrestrial might tell them. And almost universally have received nothing but shit for it. Why? Because most people don't give a damn about what happens. (If they are allowed to know about it at all) As long as it happens to someone else. Many also follow a doomsday cult. They don't care if the Earth is destroyed. As long as they get to go to heaven and be herded around by jesus there.
I know it is a crap TV show. But once in a while I will watch "Ancient Aliens." Sometimes they will talk about some interesting mysteries. The last time I watched it about a week ago, it was one of those "best of" sorts of shows. In it they brought up a couple notable people who said something that I figured out for myself long ago. They said the reason why humans in general aren't told of the truth about the extraterrestrials isn't because various governments don't think humans can handle the truth. It is because the extraterrestrials themselves don't want humans in general to know the reality of their existence.

On that show they brought up a top ranking scientist in Israel. Possibly their highest ranking scientist. They also brought up a person who used to be a high ranking official in the Canadian government. Both of them said that extraterrestrials have indeed made contact with various governments. But it is they themselves who don't want the human population in general to know of their existence. The reason they gave is that the extraterrestrials don't think that humanity could handle such information. In that, they are probably right.

For that, let's look at things from the extraterrestrials point of view. Surely at one time in their past, they faced the same sort of problems that humanity now does. They found the solutions to them. Otherwise, they wouldn't exist. Now, what would happen if they told humans what they must do to escape self destruction. Without a doubt many (If not most) humans would fight those solutions tooth and nail. And what are those solution? First, population control. The second, living equitably within our ecological system.

So you should be able to see the problem. First, with population control, which populations should be lowered. Possibly eliminated. Everybody who isn't White. Because Whites aren't the ones contributing to the increase in population. In fact, is some places, the population of Whites is going down some. Right now there are about 8 billion people on this planet. Every single day there are about 228,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before. Most of them aren't White. In fact, only about .5 out of 10 people on this planet are White. So with Whites not being the problem in that regard, it is the others that must be removed. You could imagine the kind of anti-racist uproar that would cause.

Next, our whole economic system is based on waste. And when it comes to a choice between making money or the environment, the environment is most likely to lose that battle. Doing something different economically would no doubt raise an pro-capitalist, anti-socialist uproar. Both of these things would be blamed on the extraterrestrials. It's no wonder they wouldn't want any part of that. I have often tried to tell people what an extraterrestrial might tell them. And almost universally have received nothing but shit for it. Why? Because most people don't give a damn about what happens. (If they are allowed to know about it at all) As long as it happens to someone else. Many also follow a doomsday cult. They don't care if the Earth is destroyed. As long as they get to go to heaven and be herded around by jesus there.

I don't think non whites should be destroyed. That's wrong.
I don't think non whites should be destroyed. That's wrong.

You know what is really wrong? OVERPOPULATION!!! And all the environmental destruction that goes along with it. You seen me say that White people aren't the ones contributing to overpopulation. But look at the U.S. Latinos are the fastest growing ethnic group here. Also, I figure that most of the life on earth will be gone by the year 2050. So before now and then, mega death is assured. When that starts happening, who should be the first to be destroyed. The ethnic groups most responsible for increasing the population? Or the White ethnic group that isn't doing so at all. In fact, lowering its population levels some.

This is all no doubt unpleasant to hear, isn't it. Well "pleasant" isn't the solution to anything. The struggle to survive isn't pleasant. That's why they call it a struggle. And with the way things are today, fantasy or self delusion is going to become an increasingly EVIL indulgence.
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