An Inconvenient Truth?


So what is Iraq all about?

Allies pressure Iraq to hand over oil
Email this storyPrint this story 5:00AM Monday February 26, 2007

LONDON - Baghdad is under pressure from Britain and the United States to pass an oil law which would hand long-term control of Iraq's energy assets to foreign multinationals, according to campaigners.

Iraqi trades unions have called for the country's oil reserves - the second-largest in the world - to be kept in public hands. But a leaked draft of the oil law shows that the Government would sign away the right to exploit its untapped fields in so-called exploration contracts, which could be extended for more than 30 years.

British Foreign Office Minister Kim Howells has admitted that the Government has discussed the wording of the Iraqi law with Britain's oil giants.

In a written answer to a parliamentary question, from Labour's Alan Simpson, Howells said: "These exchanges have included discussion of Iraq's evolving hydrocarbons legislation where British international oil companies have valuable perspectives to offer based on their experience in other countries."

The talks had covered "the range of contract types which Iraq is considering".

Hasan Jumah Awwad al-Asadi, leader of the country's oil workers' union, warned this month: "History will not forgive those who play recklessly with the wealth and destiny of a people."

With much of the country on the brink of civil war, and a fractious Government in Baghdad, campaigners say Iraq is in a poor position to negotiate with foreign oil firms. The law, which is being discussed by the Iraqi Cabinet before being put to the Parliament, says the untapped oil would remain state-owned but that contracts would be drawn up giving private sector firms the exclusive right to extract it.

"There is this fine line, that the wording is seeking to draw, that allows companies to claim that the oil is still Iraqi oil, whereas the extraction rights belong to the oil companies," says Kamil Mahdi, an Iraqi economist at Exeter University.

He criticised the United States and Britain, saying: "The whole idea of the law is due to external pressure. The law is no protection against corruption, or against weakness of government. It's not a recipe for stability."

Oil production in Iraq has slipped to below two million barrels a day - less than before the invasion - and Britain and the US argue that Iraq urgently needs foreign investment to boost output. But Ewa Jasiewicz, of campaign group Platform, said all the other Gulf states had kept production in government hands.
I'm not that smart, but I wonder, could the answer to "so what's this all about" be "Oil"?

I remember a long time ago some weirdos mentioning oil in the run-up to the Iraqi war, and I started thinking about it, but then some smart boys came along and said that anyone talking like that were "moonbats" and "hippy freaks". Oh and I remember some really good jokes that went something like "oh boy let's get the tinfoil hats out."

So I haven't thought about oil since then. I really don't know what to make of it. Maybe some bushies could come up with an answer...after they get their tinfoil hats on.
Yep we more insightful ones wear aluminum foil hats.....

Based on empirical evidence, the more the Bushies deny something the more true it is.
I'm not that smart, but I wonder, could the answer to "so what's this all about" be "Oil"?

I remember a long time ago some weirdos mentioning oil in the run-up to the Iraqi war, and I started thinking about it, but then some smart boys came along and said that anyone talking like that were "moonbats" and "hippy freaks". Oh and I remember some really good jokes that went something like "oh boy let's get the tinfoil hats out."

So I haven't thought about oil since then. I really don't know what to make of it. Maybe some bushies could come up with an answer...after they get their tinfoil hats on.

lol. This is hilarious. Indeed I was one of those looney lefties. I remember wearing my tin foil hat years ago, and saying that western oil companies would get production sharing agreements in Iraq - something that no other arab nation in the persian gulf allows.
lol. This is hilarious. Indeed I was one of those looney lefties. I remember wearing my tin foil hat years ago, and saying that western oil companies would get production sharing agreements in Iraq - something that no other arab nation in the persian gulf allows.

I'm very happy that you're here, thanks. :)
I'm thinking of opening the War Zone to threads where people can invite each other rather than setting it up myself. This would make it so you could create a thread where only those invited are allowed to "speak".

What'dya all think?

Not that it really has anything to do with the topic at hand, but the "get a room" remark made me laugh and think about this.

Also people could use the private conversations in the Chat Room....

Damo I think with the limited participants here is might be a death knell on the site. most might just dissappear into private fights.
I'm thinking of opening the War Zone to threads where people can invite each other rather than setting it up myself. This would make it so you could create a thread where only those invited are allowed to "speak".

What'dya all think?

Not that it really has anything to do with the topic at hand, but the "get a room" remark made me laugh and think about this.

Also people could use the private conversations in the Chat Room....


Sorry but I'm an exhibitionist. That's my answer for the sex part.

As for the war part...seems like a good idea.
Oh, but it’s ok when you and Rob do it!

This is discrimination is what it is…against het ero lust! I’m totally filing a complaint with Damo.

Well, this is a public forum Darla. What would I tell my kids about your sicko he tero lifestyles?
Well, this is a public forum Darla. What would I tell my kids about your sicko he tero lifestyles?

You want to do away with kids! What a typical left-wing hypocrite you are. It's just amazing. I can only thank God there are normal people like me around, who are still doing normal, old-fashioned type values stuff, like having cyber-sex and getting spankings.

If you ask me, you're depraved.