An insurance policy

When the FBI launched Crossfire Hurricane in July 2016, the investigation was kept secret; nothing about it was leaked. It remained unknown to the public until the following year, in marked contrast to the fanfare reopening of the Clinton email investigation twelve days before the election.

There are two possibilities:

The FBI leadership thought there were indications that Trump associates collaborated with Russia to benefit Trump’s campaign, at the risk of harming America. In that case it was the FBI’s duty to investigate the matter, before and after the election, until it was cleared up. (It did them no good personally; they have been targeted by Trump and his lickspittles ever since, which was entirely predictable.)

The FBI knew all along that there was no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. Their purpose was ‘seditious’: to stop Trump. In that case why keep the very existence of the investigation secret, instead of leaking it before the election when it might have done Trump some damage? It was an ‘insurance policy’, some say. But if Comey et al. believed there was no there there, what does that mean?

Time to get your act together, Trumpsters. Which of the above was it? Or - a third possibility - were Comey, McCabe and their mostly Republican colleagues conspiring to cover up Trump’s misdeeds (if they found any), while sabotaging Hillary’s campaign? Watch out for Comey getting the Presidential Medal of Freedom ... ;)