APP - An interesting data point for the upcoming election

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

According to this article, there were 276,000 new gun owners in the state of Pennsylvania in 2020. That is a YUGE number, particularly for a state that already boasts a high rate of gun ownership to begin with.

Now the question I would post is which way would these new gun owners be likely to vote?

Will they buy a gun and then vote for the Presidential ticket promising to take guns away?

It would be foolish to assume that all 276,000 are new Trump voters, but it is an interesting data point to think about as we question whether the pollsters are getting it right this year. I keep having this nagging feeling they are not. But, we will find out soon enough
Couple it with an overall new registration lead among GOP and i think you have your answer.
People who traditionally dont give a rip are realizing that the donkeys are set to rip up the bill of rights.