APP - An interesting take on why national polls on Trumps approval are bogus


Former Vice President
They just don't tell the entire story

And if you want proof of why I am right, you need look no further than the 2016 election. I just pulled this Gallup approval rating of Trump from July 2016. It has his approval rating at 42%

And he still won the election. With all of the negative press that has been thrown his way, his approval ratings aren't collapsing as the left would have you believe. The left is falling into the same trap they fell for in the run up to the 2016 election. They are repeating the same mistakes. They can't help themselves.
Polls are a matter of whom you poll. None are random, all set a percentage of political lean to set the poll population.
One doesnt, it's held in November.
These polls are not done to gauge public opinion but to try to shape it. Thinking you can poll 1000 people and you can gain some insights into a country of 320 million defies logic. And yes, I know all about sample sizes and statistics.