An old man's reaction to hearing "his" music

some of the staff from the nursing home came to my father's funeral and said they were going to miss his singing......he would spend a couple hours a day singing along with the music on his CD player.....

Awesome! It may though be more than just music. Anything that the person loved, IF one can get them connected. My mom was more hard-of-hearing than even moi. After suffering a couple major strokes and many small ones, it was difficult for most people to connect with her. My voice though, loud & distinct she could hear for the most part. While it took her all day to read the Chicago Trib, when someone would talk about 'the news' she'd perk right up and say what she'd read on it. One of the highlights of our family memories of 'the end' was just before the elections of 2004, shortly before she died. My dad, never much interested in politics, certainly not with my mom who'd read 4 newspapers daily and the Big 3 weekly magazines since I'd known her, had me tell her that 'that year' he was paying attention. Picture this, a Sunday morning in nursing home tea room, lots of patients and family. With my folks were myself, my brother and his wife and 4 of our 6 kids. My dad starts off telling her, through me, who he was voting for and why. She started laughing, she said, 'Who all was running for which offices?' LOL! When pushed, my dad said, "Ok Miss Smarty, you tell us!" She did. She was 82 at the time, my dad 85. Two kids bickering, but still very romantic with each other.