An Open Letter from Christians to Gay People by John Shore


Originally Posted by PostmodernProphet

??? have I ever said about you that was a lie?......

I started nothing you brainless idiot......and the fact you've got a couple of people here and a couple of people there to believe your lying ass is meaningless......I mean, look at the quality of those that believe you........wrap all four of you in the same skin with Legion and you have a Legion burrito......

Everything. And you're consistent. Some folks are so willing to believe that I "willfully lied", about not remembering that I admitted that I was 15 years clean, undoubtedly, in a "fit of anger" to quash any allegation that I was lacking in integrity or conviction. Little did I know that it would be "rehashed" as, me, "having a drug problem", to which I would have never admitted to, because it is none of anyone's business. I went off....apparently, "too rashly". And someone wants to "blame me'? Fuck them and you.
All this is and all this has been is to "wound the prey" render him, "null and void", and to shut him up. It's not happening. So strong do those reject being told anything about their foibles and shortcomings, that they would stop at nothing...even posting my personal information to discredit me. Because they fear me. They wish me dead. They wish I had never come here. Too bad they have to deal with the reality, isn't it?