An Organization Transmogrifies Into A Global Government


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transmogrify (verb)
transmogrified; transmogrifying

transitive verb
: to change or alter greatly and often with grotesque or humorous effect

intransitive verb
: to become transmogrified

There is nothing humorous about medical tyranny.

The day U.S. Senators from both political parties ratified the U.N. Charter they knowingly conspired to lay the foundation for a one government world administered by the United Nations.

Beginning in the early 1900s the New World Order crowd began taking incremental steps to abolish the U.S. Constitution. They, and their descendants, well-knew that eliminating national sovereignty was inevitable.

Creating a United Nations agency —— the EPA —— was a baby step. Communists flocking to the environmental movement after the Soviet Union imploded was a giant step. The United Nations took a quantum leap forward when media traitors and liars handed U.N. bureaucrats a fake pandemic.

By definition, only governments can engage in genocide. COVID-19 vaccinations is national policy in every government on orders from our current government via the United Nations.

Every media in every country took part in a medical industry scare tactic more effective than Dante’s Inferno:


NOTE: Not one American elected official, or bureaucrat, with a public voice ever denounced United Nations government control. Malcolm Roberts, a senator in Australia, came close:

Many people have looked at what is taking place in Australia with jaws agape. Indeed, if there exists any system of western democracy that has taken more stronger totalitarian measures during covid than Australia, they are not easily identified.

There were reports in early 2020 of the United Nations organizing 5-stages of COVID lock-down plans, with “stage-5” being the most restrictive; and the Australian government agreeing to be the beta-test for the fifth stage; the ultimate police state. If true, that explains the incredibly undemocratic and authoritarian controls triggered by the government down under.

The Australian army is patrolling the streets; all businesses are forcibly shut down; formerly free citizens now locked inside their homes; sky-marshals patrolling from the air and warning via loudspeakers to disperse; concentric rings of physical checkpoints around major metropolitan areas; dissidents and non-conformists identified, targeted and arrested by violent Australian police. Yes, this sounds like a dystopian science-fiction novel; however, it is all the current reality in Australia…. and the government is claiming they are only in “stage 4“!

One Senator, Malcolm Roberts, warns the Australian government they are on the wrong side of history…. WATCH:


[Transcript] – “As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia, I speak tonight on freedom. On many occasions in the last year I have addressed the Senate in regard to freedom as a counterbalance to medical tyranny. And I recently addressed the Canberra Freedom Rally, remotely. The side that is locking people up for the crime of being healthy, arresting protesters, pepper spraying kids, beating up grannies, banning books and electronic messages, censoring social media, sending threatening letters, forcing small businesses to close, urging people to dob in dissenters and banning safe drugs that have worked for 60 years are all on the wrong side of history.”

“In a frightening development, New South Wales has called in the troops to keep innocent, healthy citizens locked in their homes in what can only be called martial law.

Recent freedom marches showed what happens to citizens who exercise their democratic right to protest. People are demonized, hunted down; the media vilifies them to discourage others from questioning the control state. If the government can decide who is free and who is not, then that is not freedom and no-one is free. A crisis will always be found to justify measures designed to protect the government, not the public—a crisis that is as is easy to create as turning up the PCR test from 24 cycles to 42, where a false positive is the most likely outcome, as has occurred.

Actions such as these have created a crisis of confidence in government, and that, fellow citizens, is on the Senate. We are the house of review. We’re tasked with a duty to ensure honesty, transparency and accountability in the government of the day. We have failed in that solemn duty, our duty to our constituents. We have failed those who are yet to vote, our children, who are now being injected with a substance that has not undergone meaningful safety testing. The Liberal, National and Labor parties have colluded to waive these measures through this place, reducing the Senate to the status of a dystopian echo chamber.

Each new restriction, although met with rightful public opposition, has not led to a re-evaluation but, rather, has led the government to crack down even further. The Morrison government is behaving like a gambling addict who loses a hand but doubles down instead of admitting error and walking away. With troops now on the streets, it’s frightening to contemplate where this will end.

Everyday Australians are being deliberately demoralized to extract a higher degree of compliance. When COVID first arrived, there were few masks, and the experts and authorities told us masks were not necessary. Now, those same medically ineffective masks are used to condition people to fear and obedience. Crushing resistance crushes hope, and without hope we have no future.

Is it any wonder that small businesses are closing permanently? Every small business that closes is a family that was being provided for through hard work and enterprise. Who will look after those families now—the government? With whose money? The Reserve Bank, using electronic journal entries, can only create fiat money out of thin air for so long before it runs down our country. The government can only sell bonds until buyers stop coming forward. Then what happens? We will have no tax base left to pay government stipends to people who were once able to pay their own way.

Since when has the Liberal Party, the supposedly party of Menzies, been dedicated to making huge sections of the population totally reliant on the government for survival? The bad joke here is that the excuse used to justify the sudden rush to Marxism—public health—is moot. Death from all sources, including coronavirus and the flu, are at historic lows. Australia’s death rate in 2020 was less than in 2019, and 2021’s death rate is lower again. We’re strangling Australia’s economic life and future for no reason. Power has gone to the heads of our elected leaders and unelected bureaucrats, who are exercising powers yet do not feel the consequences themselves.

Never in history has Lord Acton’s famous quote rung more true: ‘Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.’ It’s been calculated that the civil disobedience tipping point—which is the maximum capacity of the police to arrest people, of the jails to hold people and of the courts to process people—is in Australia around 100,000 people. Anything more than that and the system comes crashing down. Attendance at the freedom rallies last month shows we’re almost there.

No wonder the Morrison government has been scared into resorting to the refuge of tyrants—using the military to intimidate civilians into compliance and to mandating injections and threatening to rip away people’s livelihoods.

Everyday Australians are seeing through the smokescreens of fear and intimidation. People now see that the costs of the restrictions to family and community exceed the medical cost of the virus. Everyday Australians have spoken. We will not be divided, we are united, we are one community, we are one nation.”

~ Malcolm Roberts (August 3, 2021)

Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts: “If The Government Can Decide Who is Free and Who is Not, There is No Freedom Only Tyranny”
August 4, 2021

Finally, I can only regret that Senator Malcolm Roberts missed an opportunity to identify the United Nations as Australia’s government.
Different cultures have different training methods.

Many contortionists generally just train back bends and not front bends in the same session.
Coming from a Hatha yoga background we were trained to always train the opposing line in
the body in order to keep balance and harmony in the body. Meaning if you train backward
folds you need to train forward folds too.

I know this is not boxing and they’re not Brazilian. ;)

I warmed up, i stretched. I shadow boxed and so on etc . . .

They did it for ten years.


You have to remember I was there from 3:30 to 9:30.
It takes a half hour to set up the equipment and a half
hour to put the equipment away. I did this for a number
of years. For two years I did it from 3:30 to 9:30.

I would lay flat on the ground with the towel under my forehead
and my arms behind my back. Then lift myself using my neck
muscles like if I was doing a push-up. Hold for a number of seconds.
rest and repeat.

In the beginning I had a very difficult time and was lucky if I got two seconds.

Some random DR fella from off the street joined the gym and fit in perfect.

To make a long story short. We all learn from one another. Pick and choose
what to add to your routine.

Only liars, parasites, perverts, traitors, and fools beg for another layer of government.

The day U.S. Senators from both political parties ratified the U.N. Charter they knowingly conspired to lay the foundation for a one government world administered by the United Nations.

verb, transitive
legitimated, legitimating, legitimates

To make legitimate, as:. a. To give legal force or status to; make lawful. b. To establish (a child born out of wedlock) as legitimate by legal means. c. To sanction formally or officially; authorize. d. To demonstrate or declare to be justified.

Every time I read about an individual, or an organization, legitimating global government garbage I feel they are trying to wear out Americans.

If Look Ahead America is for real it would get more satisfaction filing its complaint with a homeless bag lady.

The United Nations is being asked to intervene against the Joe Biden administration on behalf of protesters who were at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, and have been arrested and held in deplorable conditions ever since.

The request is coming from Matt Braynard, the executive director of Look Ahead America.

"Today I write in support of basic human rights for a specific group of Americans who have been disparately and inhumanely treated by their government – singled out, imprisoned, and even physically abused – because of their political beliefs," his complaint charges.

It is addressed to the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Human Rights Council Branch complaints procedure unit.

United Nations asked to intervene on behalf of Jan. 6 protesters
By Bob Unruh
Published August 27, 2021 at 2:19pm
you need to put your tinfoil hat back on, silly ass conspiracy nut.

Hoosier Daddy: Every so often I hear from another asshole like you:

Six or seven years ago message board Libs came up the idea of calling every conservative message a conspiracy theory in an effort to have them deleted, or moved to the Conspiracy forum. (Every multiple issues board I looked at has a Conspiracy forum.) Conspiracy became a dirty word when it applied to conservative opinions and ideals. In recent years the public learned that everything Socialists/Communists do is a conspiracy. The difference between now and then is that liberals are pissed off because their strategy bit them on the ass so they dropped their scheme. I assume you did not get the memo.