An Urgent Message And Petition From Canada's Energy Citizens: Bill C-69 & Bill C-48

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
An Urgent Message And Petition From Canada's Energy Citizens: Bill C-69 & Bill C-48

Once you have signed the bill C-69 petition, it will ask if you will also sign the bill C-48 petition to save Canada's economy in a huge and much needed way at this very critical moment in time!

Someone has been trying to shut Canada's oil down so they can freely sell all of their oil without competition while Canada's economy is set up for disaster thus leading Canada towards a crippling state which is when the greedy selling their oil now can come in and steal Canada's resources in the near future once Canada is crippled is not hard for me to piece together and our officials are back stabbing us for the greedy and the selfish who want to take it all. We need to put a stop to this tyranny / treason.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
Canadia screwing itself ! Gotra love it.

No, elected and appointed traitors and tyrants belong behind bars for stabbing Canadians in the back for the greedy, the selfish and ignorant globalist crime organization whom happen to display the mentality of a skid mark in someone's underwear.


I am aware poise has an e but oh well.

(The collective) you elected them. You get what you pay for.

Spoken like a lobbyist, Canadians (except perhaps imbeciles within the ranks of leftist selfish interest groups) do not elect officials to become traitors and tyrants since your brain appears to be way too small to understand something so simple all by yourself.
Spoken like a lobbyist, Canadians (except perhaps imbeciles within the ranks of leftist selfish interest groups) do not elect officials to become traitors and tyrants since your brain appears to be way too small to understand something so simple all by yourself.

Then you need to better vet the people you put in office.
To think that they magically change their nature post election is kind of Pollyanna-ish.
Then you need to better vet the people you put in office.
To think that they magically change their nature post election is kind of Pollyanna-ish.

This minute and a half video explains why what you just shared is rubbish, I'll even include the text photo that goes with the video so you can really enjoy yourself reading along with the video ;)
