Anatta: Here is a chess puzzle for you!

cancel2 2022


Chess puzzle
No. 585
Luke McShane

Black to play. Ilfeld & Vachier-Lagrave–Picot & McShane. Pro-Biz Cup, London 2019. My move. White threatens checkmate with Qc4-g8, so I exchanged rooks on f1 to divert the queen. We won in the end, but what would have been a stronger move?

Answers to ‘Chess’ at The Spectator by Tuesday 7 January or via email to There is a prize of £20 for the first correct answer out of a hat. Please include a postal address and allow six weeks for prize delivery.
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Chess puzzle
No. 585
Luke McShane

Black to play. Ilfeld & Vachier-Lagrave–Picot & McShane. Pro-Biz Cup, London 2019. My move. White threatens checkmate with Qc4-g8, so I exchanged rooks on f1 to divert the queen. We won in the end, but what would have been a stronger move?

Answers to ‘Chess’ at The Spectator by Tuesday 7 January or via email to There is a prize of £20 for the first correct answer out of a hat. Please include a postal address and allow six weeks for prize delivery.

That looks like the ONLY move you could have made. Like you say, White has Mate in one move. :(
lol I hate these things. look at the choices..
either exchange rooks, or interpose on a white square to stop the mate with the knight or queen.
Putting the knight in a pin can't be good - dropping the queen back to the first rank weakens it's power and keeps the white queen active.

These puzzles always have something we mere morals don't see, but I see nothing better the the rook exchange