Anatta lied about getting an unsolicited mail-in ballot to interfere in the election


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Anatta's lie about getting an unsolicited mail-in ballot is intended to sow doubt in the integrity of a mostly mail-in election because anatta knows that Trump is going to lose and tear the GOP down with him.

Anatta sees this coming, so is doing the work of laying the groundwork to reject the November results now.

But it's a wider Conservative plot to attack the elections and preemptively stake out the position that the election is fraudulent because they all know they aren't going to win.

Conservatives will act violently after the election, and will refuse to peacefully cede power.

Conservatives want a Civil War.

Anatta's lying thread:
I'm just shocked -- SHOCKED!!! -- that sleeping with the special ed "teacher" hasn't taught this tard a damn thing. Well, not really. Reichtards ARE unteachable. :laugh:

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Is there any place in America sending out ballots that have not been requested other than places like Washington that only do vote by mail?

All I see are places that are sending absentee ballot requests to everyone.
Trump has done everything he can do to wake people up, the failure has been with the rest of us.

Wake us up to what? LOL. That's he's a narcissist with the mental acuity of five year old? Take your lame conspiracy theories somewhere else. Sane people aren't buying what you're selling.
Is there any place in America sending out ballots that have not been requested other than places like Washington that only do vote by mail?

All I see are places that are sending absentee ballot requests to everyone.

Nope. You will see that in exactly ZERO places. It doesn't happen. Applications are being sent out. As they should be. The easier we make it to vote, the better.
Nope. You will see that in exactly ZERO places. It doesn't happen. Applications are being sent out. As they should be. The easier we make it to vote, the better.

I actually am in favor of there being some hurdles to gain the access to ballots, for instance I was against motor voter laws from the start, but it does appear that Anatta lied.
I actually am in favor of there being some hurdles to gain the access to ballots, for instance I was against motor voter laws from the start, but it does appear that Anatta lied.

Yep, he did. And apparently so did dukkha. I had no idea they were one in the same. Go figure.