Ancient Civilizations of North America


Well-known member
I have been attempting to up my game on knowledge of first peoples of North America

-Who will not be interested in this thread: Trump voters, xenophobes, bigots, anti-immigrants, anti-Semites, and other rightwingers who would consider Native Americans to be savages and Hispanics to be "invaders from the south".

-Who may be interested in this thread: erudite people, non-Trump voters, anyone with a curiosity about North America's first nations.

Ancient Civilizations of North America
Source credit: Professor Edwin Barnhart, Ph.D. Maya Exploration Center

Arriving in the 15th century and beyond, European explorers came to North America hoping to discover another civilization like those of the Maya or Inca to plunder. Not finding mountains of gold or silver, they saw no value in what they did find: myriad sophisticated cultures with hundreds of vibrant cities, roadways, canals, extensive trade networks, art, religious traditions, and thousands of earthen pyramids.

The people who shaped these civilizations—the engineers, political leaders, mathematicians, and astronomers—were also considered to be of no value, labeled by the Europeans as primitive and backwards, often enslaved or murdered. And because the native peoples left no written language, the narrative continued to be shaped by the conquerors, passed down as truth from generation to generation.

But now—with the technological advances of modern archaeology and a new perspective on world history—we are finally able to piece together their compelling true stories.

Astronomers, Engineers, and Hydrologists
The peoples of ancient North America were exceptionally knowledgeable about their environment; their lives required it. Professor Barnhart shows you how they used their detailed understanding of flora and fauna, landforms, geology, and water resources when developing strategies for hunting and gathering, locating villages, and farming. But their intellectual and artistic curiosity went much beyond the immediate need for food and safety. Beginning thousands of years ago, and without the benefit of written language, native peoples became skilled mathematicians, metallurgists, jewelers, construction engineers, astronomers, and more.

Ancient Cities to Rival Those of Classical European Antiquity
Built by a Late Archaic people, Poverty Point is considered by most archaeologists to be the first city in North America. Supporting a population of more than 4,000—40 times the size of an average village at the time—it existed for more than 1,000 years. With Professor Barnhart as your guide, you will understand how Poverty Point has been revealed as a master-planned community, with a 37-acre central plaza; earthen pyramids; and six semi-circular, concentric platform mounds holding hundreds of houses. Carbon-14 dating reveals that the entire set of concentric platform mounds were built in one single phase, requiring extensive leadership, planning, surveying skills, and cooperation from an enormous pool of laborers. Even with its compact organization, every single house had a view of the central plaza—a feat many modern planners would be challenged to accomplish.

Cahokia, built about 1,000 years ago just east of present-day St. Louis, was the largest city in ancient North America north of Mesoamerica. With 3,000 acres and 50,000 people living in its interior and satellite communities, Cahokia dwarfed the contemporaneous populations of London, Paris, and Rome. At one point in its history, the ancient city was razed and replaced with a master-planned version more than three times its previous size. Although many of Cahokia’s features, such as large mounds, ritual spaces, and communal farming, had been seen elsewhere, its scale and level of social organization were unprecedented.

The Legacy of the Iroquois: North American Democracy
At the time of European contact, the Iroquois were a semi-sedentary farming people near Lakes Erie and Ontario whose villages were often in fierce conflict with each other. When three visionary leaders recognized that such continual warfare was holding the nation back, they proposed a tribal confederation known as The Great League of Peace. The League’s Great Council consisted of 50 chiefs, or sachem, each of whom was elected to represent a specific clan by the clan’s female elders. These women voted their representatives in—and could also vote them out. The Great Council settled all disputes and conflicts through dialog, debate, and consensus, guided by the 117 articles of confederation known as the “Great Law of Peace.”

Not only did the Iroquois establish the first North American democracy, but the framers of the U.S. Constitution held the system in the highest regard. Two hundred years after establishing its own Constitution, the United States formally acknowledged this Iroquois legacy in Congressional Resolution 331, stating the “confederation of the original Thirteen Colonies into one republic was influenced by the political system developed by the Iroquois Confederacy as were many of the democratic principles which were incorporated into the Constitution itself.”
Why do you think Trump voters wouldn't be interested in this? I'm pretty sure I've studied this much longer than you have.
Why do you think Trump voters wouldn't be interested in this? I'm pretty sure I've studied this much longer than you have.

I leave it to you to discover for yourself the tens of thousands of post from rightwingers on this forum denigrating, dehumanizing, and holding in utter contempt the cultures of Africa, Latin America, and indigenous peoples of North America.

Not buying that you are the consummate student and researcher of ancient North American civilizations. Lying, trolling, and unwarranted braggadocio earns you a one way ticket to permanent thread ban.
I leave it to you to discover for yourself the tens of thousands of post from rightwingers on this forum denigrating, dehumanizing, and holding in utter contempt the cultures of Africa, Latin America, and indigenous peoples of North America.

Not buying that you are the consummate student and researcher of ancient North American civilizations. Lying, trolling, and unwarranted braggadocio earns you a one way ticket to permanent thread ban.

I'm not those dudes, I'm me. I voted for Trump.

Let's talk about the diversion of the Mississippi River. You can do this...right?
I watched a lecture on Cahokia, and I admit it was pretty eye opening for me.
I really generally thought of the indigenous people of North America as primarily nomadic. I certainly did not know that ancient North American civilizations were building large, planned cities using relatively sophisticated concepts of engineering, geometry, math, and astronomy.

Its too bad Trump supporters think of most non-white cultures as "savages", "invaders from the south", or "shit hole countries". I believe there is a crap load of interesting stuff to learn about the cultural history of other cultures. At least for the intellectually curious (aka, rules out Trumptards).

Lost cities of the world #8: The mystery of Cahokia – why did North America's largest city vanish?

Long before Columbus reached the Americas, Cahokia was the biggest, most cosmopolitan city north of Mexico. Yet by 1350 it had been deserted by its native inhabitants the Mississippians – and no one is sure why

In its prime, about four centuries before Columbus stumbled on to the western hemisphere, Cahokia was a prosperous pre-American city with a population similar to London’s.

Located in southern Illinois, eight miles from present-day St Louis, it was probably the largest North American city north of Mexico at that time. It had been built by the Mississippians, a group of Native Americans who occupied much of the present-day south-eastern United States, from the Mississippi river to the shores of the Atlantic.

Cahokia was a sophisticated and cosmopolitan city for its time. Yet its history is virtually unknown by most Americans and present-day Illinoisans. It is one of many stories that have been bypassed in favour of the shopworn narrative – reinforced in literature and a century of American cinema – of Native Americans as backward and primitive.

“A lot of the world is still relating in terms of cowboys and Indians, and feathers and teepees,” says Thomas Emerson, professor of anthropology at the University of Illinois. “But in AD1000, from the beginning, [a city is] laid on a specific plan. It doesn’t grow into a plan, it starts as a plan. And they created the most massive earthen mound in North America. Where does that come from?”

I have been attempting to up my game on knowledge of first peoples of North America

-Who will not be interested in this thread: Trump voters, xenophobes, bigots, anti-immigrants, anti-Semites, and other rightwingers who would consider Native Americans to be savages and Hispanics to be "invaders from the south".

-Who may be interested in this thread: erudite people, non-Trump voters, anyone with a curiosity about North America's first nations.

While the euros were still dumping chamber pots out the windows on each other's heads below in their putrid ghettos.
I watched a lecture on Cahokia, and I admit it was pretty eye opening for me.
I really generally thought of the indigenous people of North America as primarily nomadic. I certainly did not know that ancient North American civilizations were building large, planned cities using relatively sophisticated concepts of engineering, geometry, math, and astronomy.

Its too bad Trump supporters think of most non-white cultures as "savages", "invaders from the south", or "shit hole countries". I believe there is a crap load of interesting stuff to learn about the cultural history of other cultures. At least for the intellectually curious (aka, rules out Trumptards).

Ya can still go see the mounds.
I have been attempting to up my game on knowledge of first peoples of North America

-Who will not be interested in this thread: Trump voters, xenophobes, bigots, anti-immigrants, anti-Semites, and other rightwingers who would consider Native Americans to be savages and Hispanics to be "invaders from the south".

-Who may be interested in this thread: erudite people, non-Trump voters, anyone with a curiosity about North America's first nations.

Too pooped to pop.. a must read for later. Thanks.
There were recently some amazing pictures of Mayan cities. Archaeologists thought it was a series of separate villages, but some type of photography revealed structures in the jungles they had not seen before that revealed it was not separate villages but one large city.
Ya can still go see the mounds.

I was amazed at not only how many of the constructed earthen mounds there are across the Midwest and Southeastern United States, but how a lot of them are currently located in the most inauspicious locations imaginable. Some are next to tire stores and fast food joints. One is on the campus of LSU, and students used to tailgate party on it before anyone figured out it was a constructed Indian mound.

If I am ever in that neck of the woods, my top priority in this field of study is a visit to Poverty Point in northeast Louisiana. The site is reputed to be the oldest city in North America, at 3,500 year old it predates the Mayan civilizations and ancient Greeks by a long shot, and was the largest complex constructed earthen works of the ancient world by a country mile.
^^No humans or hominids of any kind in the Americas prior to the ice age.

According to archeologists and geneticists, homo sapiens arrived in the Americas via a land bridge in the Bering strait about 20,000 years and either migrated down along the Pacific coast, or through the land gap between the Canadian continental ice sheet and the Rockies. DNA proves that indigenous Americans came from Siberia and have a Siberian genetic fingerprint - according to what I have heard from smarter people than me.

Now, if you ask a Republican, the above is all poppycock - and the earth in 6,000 years old and humans started with Adam and Even in the Garden of Eden.

Ice Age = Milankovitch cycles, though still ongoing research into the causes and nature of the ice age. It all reminds me, that I need to do some remedial review on human evolution and the nature of the ice ages.

The bottom line is that while Republican posters here have referred to indigenous people as savages, these native cultures were far more interesting and sophisticated that the primitive "tepee" culture we see in old movies. Carry on.
I have been attempting to up my game on knowledge of first peoples of North America

-Who will not be interested in this thread: Trump voters, xenophobes, bigots, anti-immigrants, anti-Semites, and other rightwingers who would consider Native Americans to be savages and Hispanics to be "invaders from the south".

-Who may be interested in this thread: erudite people, non-Trump voters, anyone with a curiosity about North America's first nations.
Come visit me here in Columbus in the Summer time. I will take you to the Chillicothe mounds of the ancient Hopewell Culture and afterwards we can see the Alan Eckert's production of "Tecumseh" at the open air Sugarloaf Ampitheater. Time permitting we could also visit the famous Serpent Mound in Adams county just southwest of Chillicothe.


As for the Iroquis...the fact that they were "farmers" is profoundy significant. The vast majority of Native American Cultures were horticultural or hunter gatheror cultures. From an anthropological view point that the Iroquois were an agricultural society is hugely significant. They were also a very egalitarian culture as you pointed out and that the Iroquois version of Democracy was significantly more influential to our founding fathers than the Greek version. Here's another fact about the Iroquois that most people don't know. It was a matrolineal society. The men held all positions of political power but all land, material property and familial descent were controlled by the women. If a child was born, it's family name was derived from the mother and not the father. The advantage of that is that there is no such thing as an illegitimate child. If a woman was to die, all her property was inherited by her daughters. Not only did this give Iroquois women extraordinary influence for that time, they also had the franchise.

The Iroquois also ran circles around the other tribes militarily and shortly after the beginning of their confederacy they wiped out the very powerful Huron confederacy. The Iroquois League was also extremely influential in the Seven Years War in North American (known as the French and Indian war) for if the Iroquois had sided with the French during that war our entire nations history would have been unalterably changed as the British would have probably been pushed out of the North American continents and our National Language would now be French.

I'd strongly recommend reading the historical novel by Allen Eckert "The Wilderness Empire". He's not a professional historian but he writes in a manner of using narrative dialogue which obtains from both primary and secondary sources which he meticulously footnotes and a complete bibliography of sources. So if the book appeals to you can use it's bibliography to study his source material. This is a serious good read as are all of the books in Eckert's "Winning of America" series.
I have been attempting to up my game on knowledge of first peoples of North America

-Who will not be interested in this thread: Trump voters, xenophobes, bigots, anti-immigrants, anti-Semites, and other rightwingers who would consider Native Americans to be savages and Hispanics to be "invaders from the south".

-Who may be interested in this thread: erudite people, non-Trump voters, anyone with a curiosity about North America's first nations.
The cliff dwellers of Utah, Colorado and New Mexico are also interesting early cultures, the Hopi, Zuni and Anasazi are fascinating.