And a new "hillary" for the republicans to focus hate on

i have no idea why they have decided to hate Pelosi, other than the fact that she is a Democrat and a Democratic Leader...

They hate all of our Leaders...just since I have been watching, the republicans have deamonized the Democratic Leader of the House, Dick Gephart, who was basically pushed out because of the major republican smear campaign....

Then they hated Tom Dashel the Leader of the Senate and demonized him as the worst obstructionist from here to kingdom , ran a huge negative ad campain against him and PUSHED him out....

Then Leader Reid was the worst guy in the world according to the repubs and Leader Pelosi is the Devil himself....disguised as a woman....

Hopefully, the American people are "on to these scummy repubs" and won't let them define our leaders via spin spin spin anymore....

Pelosi will be a good Leader of the House and I wish her the very best.

Too bad President Bush is so low of a snake that he couldn't even call her last night to congratulate her.... :(
She is a she liberal woman in a position of power. the Republicans fear that and therefore hate her.
Women are supposed to be subserviant like Rice.
i have no idea why they have decided to hate Pelosi, other than the fact that she is a Democrat and a Democratic Leader...

They hate all of our Leaders...just since I have been watching, the republicans have deamonized the Democratic Leader of the House, Dick Gephart, who was basically pushed out because of the major republican smear campaign....

Then they hated Tom Dashel the Leader of the Senate and demonized him as the worst obstructionist from here to kingdom , ran a huge negative ad campain against him and PUSHED him out....

Then Leader Reid was the worst guy in the world according to the repubs and Leader Pelosi is the Devil himself....disguised as a woman....

Hopefully, the American people are "on to these scummy repubs" and won't let them define our leaders via spin spin spin anymore....

Pelosi will be a good Leader of the House and I wish her the very best.

Too bad President Bush is so low of a snake that he couldn't even call her last night to congratulate her.... :(
Not only did he call her, he invited her to the WH for a meeting. Where are you getting your news?