And another one falls.


Villified User
ALLENTOWN, Pa. — A Republican congressman accused of abusing his ex-mistress agreed to pay her about $500,000 in a settlement last year that contained a powerful incentive for her to keep quiet until after Election Day, a person familiar with the terms of the deal told The Associated Press.

Rep. Don Sherwood is locked in a tight re-election race against a Democratic opponent who has seized on the four-term congressman's relationship with the woman. While Sherwood acknowledged the woman was his mistress, he denied abusing her and said that he had settled her $5.5 million lawsuit on confidential terms.

The settlement, reached in November 2005, called for Cynthia Ore to be paid in installments, according to a person who spoke on condition of anonymity because the deal is confidential. She has received less than half the money so far, and will not get the rest until after the Nov. 7 election, the person said Thursday.

A confidentiality clause requires Ore to forfeit some of the money if she talks publicly about the case, according to this person and two other people familiar with elements of the case,2933,227137,00.html

Damn liberal media!
No reply to this one? Well I guess Republicans caught in a scandal is getting pretty commonplace and boring.
oh, ok. I was just replying to his post. Re. his falling back to blaming and comparing to Clowntoon. Pretty lame.
oh, ok. I was just replying to his post. Re. his falling back to blaming and comparing to Clowntoon. Pretty lame.
My post was in answer to the second one. I should have quoted. The one that "nobody answered because of blah, blah"...

Nobody answered because most people agree that he should have resigned. What, must all Rs attempt to defend people because they are part of their party?
Not all Damo, but the highly partisan and Bushite ones do. Either by defending or saying that "look your side is even worse" :)
I am well aware that "my" side is full of slime just like the other side, and anytime slime goes out the door I am happy.