And I Thought I was the Biggest Narcissist Ever!


New member
Ted Cruz, you are a fucking Canadian moron but I can't hold a candle to you in the narcissism category! Dr. Seuss? Star Wars? Bataan Death March?

Repubs if this is the best you guys can do you are in serious trouble as a party.
That was a lot of talking. In a world full of talking. I'm rather impressed, even if I think it will not make a difference.
That was a lot of talking. In a world full of talking. I'm rather impressed, even if I think it will not make a difference.

Hell, there is a guy on a corner in Baltimore who is wearing piss soaked clothing, he talks all day everyday, mostly to himself, are you impressed with him too?

Cruz spouted 1 lie after another, I could've done that, would've been better dressed too, still have a full head of hair, I would've made love to the cspan cameras while spouting rtwing bs.
Ted Cruz, you are a fucking Canadian moron but I can't hold a candle to you in the narcissism category! Dr. Seuss? Star Wars? Bataan Death March?

Repubs if this is the best you guys can do you are in serious trouble as a party.

Cruz demonstrates his appalling ignorance of history, claiming that Neville Chamberlain told the British people to 'accept the Nazis'.

This man is an imbecile and so is anyone who supports him.
Hell, there is a guy on a corner in Baltimore who is wearing piss soaked clothing, he talks all day everyday, mostly to himself, are you impressed with him too?

Cruz spouted 1 lie after another, I could've done that, would've been better dressed too, still have a full head of hair, I would've made love to the cspan cameras while spouting rtwing bs.

I think we should start fining members of Congress who lie while speaking on the floor of Congress.
Cruz demonstrates his appalling ignorance of history, claiming that Neville Chamberlain told the British people to 'accept the Nazis'.

This man is an imbecile and so is anyone who supports him.

Although it was all scare tactic bs but I couldn't stop watching like I can't stop watching a guy get run over by a car.

Cruz reminds me of some self righteous prick who if he were your neighbor would call the cops on you at 10 p.m. if you were having a wedding engagement party with a 100 people at your house and the wine was flowing and people were having a good time.........................all because he couldn't hear Pat Robertson on the "700 club".

Nice Texan accent BTW, he's a fucking Canadian.
I think we should start fining members of Congress who lie while speaking on the floor of Congress.

Well we could put a dent in the deficit there because all of them lie.

There was 1 guy all day long(I listened afterwards on cspan radio) who told the truth, some independent from Maine I believe, can't remember his name now, said "who do we think pays now when uninsured go to the emergency room for care?" Thats right, the taxpayer does and all the individual mandate says is take responsibility for yourself which is something that Cons used to believe in. Everybody is required to have car ins. if you drive, right? Nobody bitches about that, no difference here.

There are 2 reasons the Repubs are fighting this so fiercely:

1. Follow the money, who would probably see a reduction of profits? Who are huge donors to Republicans?

Thats right, the big private ins. boys.
he is no dummy

hes a conman

he on the Palin plan.

the republican party has reduced its self to the self promoter lane to big money in books and speeches.
The republican base that runs the party now has ideas that make it impossible to actually govern.

No one who is serious about our country wants to run in the republicans races.

so instead they get cruz and palin types.

self promoters looking for the glory hole with all the idiot cash in it.

Once they get their hands well into that right wing glory hole they dumop the pretense of wanting to govern.

Off they go into lush limpballs made up world of hate fail.

it pays well
There was 1 guy all day long(I listened afterwards on cspan radio) who told the truth, some independent from Maine I believe, can't remember his name now, said "who do we think pays now when uninsured go to the emergency room for care?" Thats right, the taxpayer does and all the individual mandate says is take responsibility for yourself which is something that Cons used to believe in.

Of course the problem with that argument is the fact that Obama-Care is unconstitutional. “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”(Amendment 10, United States Constitution) Nowhere in the Constitution can you find any authority for the federal government to operate a healthcare program. Your radio guy would have a valid point were the argument over a State’s right to implement a socialist healthcare program. Since he doesn’t have a valid point, his remarks should be simply rejected out of hand.

Everybody is required to have car ins. if you drive, right? Nobody bitches about that, no difference here

Of course here again the federal government has no constitutional authority to mandate that every citizen have auto insurance and they don’t. That will probably be the next unconstitutional racket the corrupt feds get involved in, huh?
Of course the problem with that argument is the fact that Obama-Care is unconstitutional. “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”(Amendment 10, United States Constitution) Nowhere in the Constitution can you find any authority for the federal government to operate a healthcare program. Your radio guy would have a valid point were the argument over a State’s right to implement a socialist healthcare program. Since he doesn’t have a valid point, his remarks should be simply rejected out of hand.

Of course here again the federal government has no constitutional authority to mandate that every citizen have auto insurance and they don’t. That will probably be the next unconstitutional racket the corrupt feds get involved in, huh?

Wrong, SCOTUS already ruled it Consitutional, thats how we run in this country.

Game over.
Wrong, SCOTUS already ruled it Consitutional, thats how we run in this country.

Game over.

But the fucking Supreme Court is nothing less than a gang of fucking political ideologues, appointed by radical partisan Presidents with unconstitutional agendas and confirmed by another fucking gang of partisan radical ideologue crooked politicians with unconstitutional agendas. All of those bastards swear allegiance to the Constitution then set about seeing how fucking fast they can violate it.

The courts don’t decide ”constitutionality” they decide which load of unconstitutional crap that comes out of Capital Hill they want to ”LEGALIZE.”

Of course most 10 year olds can read and understand most of the Constitution and of course the vast majority of HONEST adults can plainly see the Washington corruption and violations of the Constitution if they bother to read it.

BTW, we don’t need constitutional lawyers to interpret the Constitution, we need constitutional lawyers simply to interpret the linguistic gymnastics of congressional law to assure it conforms to the Constitution. Of course none of that matters these days with the fraudulent bastards and willfully ignorant of the Constitution son-&-daughters-of-bitches that sit on the courts today. It’s not about constitutionality anymore like it’s supposed to be, it’s all about politics and political agendas. And that is exactly why the nation is headed full speed into the shithouse.
But the fucking Supreme Court is nothing less than a gang of fucking political ideologues, appointed by radical partisan Presidents with unconstitutional agendas and confirmed by another fucking gang of partisan radical ideologue crooked politicians with unconstitutional agendas. All of those bastards swear allegiance to the Constitution then set about seeing how fucking fast they can violate it.

The courts don’t decide ”constitutionality” they decide which load of unconstitutional crap that comes out of Capital Hill they want to ”LEGALIZE.”

Of course most 10 year olds can read and understand most of the Constitution and of course the vast majority of HONEST adults can plainly see the Washington corruption and violations of the Constitution if they bother to read it.

BTW, we don’t need constitutional lawyers to interpret the Constitution, we need constitutional lawyers simply to interpret the linguistic gymnastics of congressional law to assure it conforms to the Constitution. Of course none of that matters these days with the fraudulent bastards and willfully ignorant of the Constitution son-&-daughters-of-bitches that sit on the courts today. It’s not about constitutionality anymore like it’s supposed to be, it’s all about politics and political agendas. And that is exactly why the nation is headed full speed into the shithouse.

Sure, you might be right to some degree but until such time as the the procedures are changed..................The ACA is currently consitutional and as of Oct.1 will be the law of the land.

Besides maybe if you drop some more f-bombs and scream and kick a little more maybe that will change and you can deny 50 mil. uninsured the opportunity to purchase affordable health insurance. I don't see it happening but please continue to endeavor.
Roberts ruled the mandate as function of Congressional authority to tax.

Justice Roberts engaged in mental contortions to hold that the individual mandate exceeded Congress’ Commerce Clause power,
but was constitutional under Congress’ taxing authority (joining with the four liberal Justices).
His was the swing vote.
While there were reports he originally intended to vote otherwise, and was swayed by the pressures, those reports never have been verified and probably never will be given the secrecy that attaches to Supreme Court deliberations

Federalism survives (10th Amendment) but towards what ends?