And our congress spends how many days working ?


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Iraq Lawmakers' Vacation Plans Draw Fire

May 3, 6:25 AM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - Lawmakers divided over whether to keep U.S. troops in Iraq are finding common ground on at least one topic: They are furious that Iraqi politicians are considering a lengthy break this summer.

"If they go off on vacation for two months while our troops fight - that would be the outrage of outrages," said Rep. Chris Shays, R-Conn.

The Iraq parliament's recess, starting this July, would likely come without Baghdad politicians reaching agreements considered key to easing sectarian tensions. Examples include regulating distribution of the country's oil wealth and reversing measures that have excluded many Sunnis from jobs and government positions because of Baath party membership.
They are such hypocrites it's not even funny. The last time it was even written about, and this was two months ago, our own congress still had not worked that much ballyhooed "five day work week' that the dems claimed they were going to institute. There was a huge backlash over it, with one lawmaker claiming that "dems don't care about families" because he was going to have less time to spend with his family. This was a right wing republican mind you, who had fought tooth and nail to prevent raising the minimum wage so maybe some Americans could work one or two jobs instead of two or three.

But I guess Congress are the only people who have families they want to spend time with.

But they have a good idea here. Let's pressure congress to stop all vacations for themselves, and days off of any kind, until they bring the troops home. Why should they have time off while our troops are dying?
But they have a good idea here. Let's pressure congress to stop all vacations for themselves, and days off of any kind, until they bring the troops home. Why should they have time off while our troops are dying?

Iraqi Lawmakers Consider Summer Session
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May 3, 5:05 PM (ET)


BAGHDAD (AP) - Iraqi lawmakers said Thursday they might consider shortening - or even canceling - their planned two-month summer break to continue working. But they insisted that pressure from Washington is not behind the possible holiday-on-hold.

And besides, they say, the U.S. Congress is not thinking of calling off its own recess because of wartime debate.