And Speaking of WTF . . .


What's up with the discriminatory display of member names in the various lists on the front page, huh? How come it's Watermark and IHateGovernment but everyone else just gets OrnotBitwise, Cypress, Darla and so on? That's blatant favoritism, I tell you!

What's up with the discriminatory display of member names in the various lists on the front page, huh? How come it's Watermark and IHateGovernment but everyone else just gets OrnotBitwise, Cypress, Darla and so on? That's blatant favoritism, I tell you!


They are "Warriors" battling in the Debate area... Admittedly very slow debate, but it is happening.
Ornot, typical liberal, pretends to be happy where he is, but just wants to move to being in a red state like all the rest of them.
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Grind the evil genius already plans on a prepetual state of debate with a partner in crime to acheive the glory of red name status for EVER.