And talking about instant classics,


Verified User
"copy and paste" posted one of his idiocies below and then twenty five times in a row responded to his own topic post, probably a couple two three more times since I typed this, too funny

Does the guy who runs this whatever ever stop to think that a purpose of any forum is to exchange ideas, to trade perceptions, not just serve as a vehicle for one poster to sell whatever he is pedaling?
"copy and paste" posted one of his idiocies below and then twenty five times in a row responded to his own topic post, probably a couple two three more times since I typed this, too funny

Does the guy who runs this whatever ever stop to think that a purpose of any forum is to exchange ideas, to trade perceptions, not just serve as a vehicle for one poster to sell whatever he is pedaling?

--->Legion may be on the Payroll. :thinking:
--->Legion may be on the Payroll. :thinking:

As I noted before, I think this is his forum, he runs it, employs his idiotic posts to generate reactions, even gone so far as to invent umpteen pseudonyms aimed at keeping the melodrama going
As I noted before, I think this is his forum, he runs it, employs his idiotic posts to generate reactions, even gone so far as to invent umpteen pseudonyms aimed at keeping the melodrama going

"Astroturfing is the practice of masking the sponsors of a message or organization to make it appear as though it originates from and is supported by grassroots participants. It is a practice intended to give the statements or organizations credibility by withholding information about the source's financial connection. Wikipedia"

I think the 'idea' is: 'Is Legion a PaidTroll?'.

Not possible, no one would pay anyone to post the idiocy "copy and paste" does on a regular basis, if they did, they certainly ain't getting their money's worth, in fact, would be hurting whatever they are intending to sell
Not possible, no one would pay anyone to post the idiocy "copy and paste" does on a regular basis, if they did, they certainly ain't getting their money's worth, in fact, would be hurting whatever they are intending to sell

"I'm rubber"

if you say so.......
It's amazing how he manage to stay and post 24 hours a day.

its almost like you don't realize your posts/month ratio is much higher than Legion's.......seriously, I have more posts here than Legion at 112k and you have 60k after being here a year..........I've been here since 2009.......
its almost like you don't realize your posts/month ratio is much higher than Legion's.......seriously, I have more posts here than Legion at 112k and you have 60k after being here a year..........I've been here since 2009.......

In addition to reading comprehension problem, you can't even add. It's 2 years.

You realize that he uses different accounts, right? Total number of posts exceed both of ours put together.
Why are you defending Legion anyway? He has caused this site to go shit. Nobody wants to come here except us idiots who got banned elsewhere.

????.......I'm not defending Legion........I'm pointing at you and saying "Hey, everyone.....LOOK!.......something stupid!".......Legion's been here for over a decade.......things didn't go to shit until you and the rest of the amazonerds got here..........
????.......I'm not defending Legion........I'm pointing at you and saying "Hey, everyone.....LOOK!.......something stupid!".......Legion's been here for over a decade.......things didn't go to shit until you and the rest of the amazonerds got here..........

Yes you are defending him. I know that you know that he uses multiple accounts. You aren't that dumb.