And you are telling me nuclear power isn't safe?

cancel2 2022

Nope sorry you are retarded. Go fear monger someone else you pussy
Nope sorry you're completely unknowledgable on this subject. Anyone who thinks any form of power generation is intrinsically safe is an utter moron or completely clueless about the dangers. None of them are "safe". They are all dangerous. That doesn't mean we want to live with out them or not make them as safe as possible but that doesn't change the fact that they are intrinsically dangerous. It was because safety was foremost in the design of this plant that an even greater catastrophe was avoided. You can't poo poo that shit and bullshit yourself into thinking nuclear power is safe. It's not. It's incredibly dangerous and great lengths need to be taken to make it acceptably safe.

Don't believe me, go to a nuclear power plant and clean a rod assembly.
That there are people outside nuthouses who think nuclear power is safe frightens me more than nuclear power!
That there are people outside nuthouses who think nuclear power is safe frightens me more than nuclear power!

There was a letter today's Mail from a woman in Blackwood Gwent which summed it up for me.

WALES is bottom of the UK not only in education but also manufacturing, health, business. railways and services.
Devolution hasn't delivered what it promised but has concentrated on promoting the minority Welsh language. The quango in Cardiff Bay has always looked backwards, and if we don't look to the future, we won't attract development and will fail the next generation.
There was a letter today's Mail from a woman in Blackwood Gwent which summed it up for me.

You think we were better being bullied and eating shit? Well, you would, wouldn't you, you and your choirboys? They are very brainwashed in Gwent, longing to belong to the ex-Master-Race who now lick yank arses, having stolen everything that wasn't nailed down, and lost it gambling. I was born there and have seen them at it. Get stuffed!
You think we were better being bullied and eating shit? Well, you would, wouldn't you, you and your choirboys? They are very brainwashed in Gwent, longing to belong to the ex-Master-Race who now lick yank arses, having stolen everything that wasn't nailed down, and lost it gambling. I was born there and have seen them at it. Get stuffed!

My God, no wonder Wales is in the shit with people like you, somebody ought to tell you that Nye Bevin is dead. Oh and you are right about Gwent they don't want to be dragged down by a bunch of dinosaurs living in the past.
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My God, no wonder Wales is in the shit with people like you, somebody ought to tell you that Nye Bevin is dead. Oh and you are right about Gwent they don't wanted to be dragged down by a bunch of dinosaurs living in the past.

Arsehole, Nazi. Bevin, by the way, was an English shite.
lul at joke.

Having been a missile technician who declined to be a navy nuke, I trust it. If civilian nukes are anywhere good as military ones. I mean, hell, the missiles could get shot and not blow; and the reactor on the boat never gave an issue.

* tgat iknew about. +_+
Bevin came from Bristol. Look it up.

I did and it says that you are blowing out of your arse.

Bevan was born in Tredegar, Monmouthshire, in the South Wales Valleys and on the northern edge of the South Wales coalfield, the son of coal miner David Bevan and Phoebe née Prothero, a seamstress. Both Bevan's parents were Nonconformists; his father was a Baptist and his mother a Methodist. One of ten children, Bevan did poorly at school and his academic performance was so bad that his headmaster made him repeat a year. At age 13, Bevan left school and began working in the local Tytryst Colliery. David Bevan had been a supporter of the Liberal Party in his youth, but was converted to socialism by the writings of Robert Blatchford in the Clarion and joined the Independent Labour Party.[SUP][1][/SUP]
Cleanest country on the planet uses it!
Most dangerous site on the planet did too!
Wonder if Saudi Arabia is all in on it.
Don't get the wrong Idea. I'm an advocate for Nuclear energy....but it's delusional to think that it's safe. It is incredibly dangerous. That doesn't mean that it can't be managed with an acceptable degree of risk...but that acceptable degree of risk is pretty freaken slim and it takes a huge effort and very high standards of performance to meet that criteria.
That there are people outside nuthouses who think nuclear power is safe frightens me more than nuclear power!
It is extraordinarilly dangerous but it's track record for safety far exceeds coal but that's due to extreme vigilence where safety is concerned.