Anger with GOP growing as $600 unemployment benefit lapses


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Americans angry with inaction from Senate Republicans and President Donald Trump on extending $600 a week unemployment benefits are accusing the government of not living up to its responsibility to care for the public during the Covid-19 pandemic as the boost in aid expired Friday.

“In the middle of this pandemic they’re playing with us,” said Candida Kevorkian, a 53-year-old California woman relying on the payments to survive, told the Washington Post Saturday.

The benefits are credited with keeping the economy from a complete collapse due to the ongoing nationwide Covid-19 outbreak and staving off a wave of evictions many advocates fear is coming now that the weekly infusion is gone. But the initial program, passed in the CARES Act in late March, only ran until the end of July.

House Democrats approved the HEROES Act, a $3 trillion stimulus package which included an extension of the unemployment benefit boost, in late May, but GOP lawmakers in the Senate, led by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), took no action on the bill, instead presenting a competing bill known as the HEALS Act last month that cut the payment to $200 a week. That legislation was dead on arrival, however, not even generating necessary support within the caucus due to the level of spending.
The White House and the GOP Senate leadership floated a one-week extension for the benefits, but that fix—such as it is—was rejected by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) Thursday evening.

“We recognize the gravity of the situation,” Pelosi told reporters Friday. “They don’t.

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) told MSNBC Friday night the choice to leave town was “inexplicable” and urged his GOP colleagues to negotiate a workable solution to the ongoing crisis with House Democrats.

“I hear senators making $175,000 a year complaining that these ‘lazy workers are getting so much money,'” said Brown. “People haven’t sunk into poverty in significant numbers at all during this pandemic because of the $600 a week.
The House has passed their bill. Nancy Pelosi got it done. McConnell refuses to meet and the Senate went home this weekend.

Wrong. The Democrats won't hold a joint meeting and discuss a compromise bill with the Republicans, that's the hold up. Pelosi's position is My way or the highway

The bill that the GOP has presented is total junk. Democrats want more for the American people than republicans are willing to give. Republican motto is either help big business and corporate America or we wont play. I am sure even you wont believe that the GOP wants a provision to protect all business against Covid 19 law suits by their employees.

You are simply full of shit. The republicans have taken nothing back to the house to consider. Republican senators have done nothing but masturbate and even McConnel said 15-20 GOP senators won't support their own bill. I could give a shit, I'm fine. A good wave of evictions and homelessness and unemployment is just what Trump and the republicans need just before the election while the democrats can be saying we passed our bill and it includes 3 trillion for Americans. What is the (GOP controlled) Senate waiting for? If the Democrats were in control this would not be happening.;)
Two things, hard to understand why they can’t compromise with $400 dollars, and secondly, where the hell is Trump, he is the President, and usually the President participates in negotiations over major issues especially during a crisis and we got Trump out playing golf
You are simply full of shit. The republicans have taken nothing back to the house to consider. Republican senators have done nothing but masturbate and even McConnel said 15-20 GOP senators won't support their own bill. I could give a shit, I'm fine. A good wave of evictions and homelessness and unemployment is just what Trump and the republicans need just before the election while the democrats can be saying we passed our bill and it includes 3 trillion for Americans. What is the (GOP controlled) Senate waiting for? If the Democrats were in control this would not be happening.;)

For some reason the GOP doesn't care about the election.
We shall certainly sweep the Senate and the White House this fall.
Two things, hard to understand why they can’t compromise with $400 dollars, and secondly, where the hell is Trump, he is the President, and usually the President participates in negotiations over major issues especially during a crisis and we got Trump out playing golf

Same as ever.
So 1/3rd of the process is at fault. The Senate and the Executive are free from blame. Of course, the house bill is on Mcconnell's desk. He went on vacation.

Democrats in the Senate are equally to blame.

The sticking point(s) is that the Republicans want to limit this bill to unemployment spending and ensure that people don't get more in unemployment benefits than they were being paid when they worked. The Democrats want a bill stuffed with other pork and spending and want the extra unemployment benefits to extend well into next year.

House Democrats led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi want any economic-relief package to include a long-term extension of the enhanced unemployment benefit, arguing the extra funds have been a critical support to those who lost their jobs amid the pandemic. The White House and Senate Republicans, however, want to trim that additional payment, saying in some cases people are being paid more to stay at home than if they returned to work.

The problem is that the Democrats want a massive amount of new spending on stuff other than unemployment, much of that not even vaguely related to unemployment. The Republicans want to limit spending and ensure benefits are reasonable. The Democrats are unwilling to compromise, demanding their bill be passed as is.
Democrats in the Senate are equally to blame.

The sticking point(s) is that the Republicans want to limit this bill to unemployment spending and ensure that people don't get more in unemployment benefits than they were being paid when they worked. The Democrats want a bill stuffed with other pork and spending and want the extra unemployment benefits to extend well into next year.

The problem is that the Democrats want a massive amount of new spending on stuff other than unemployment, much of that not even vaguely related to unemployment. The Republicans want to limit spending and ensure benefits are reasonable. The Democrats are unwilling to compromise, demanding their bill be passed as is.

You mean like the 1.6 trillion for a new FBI office? That was bad... Oh wait. That was the Repubs who stuffed that in.
The fact is the money is a huge stimulus to the economy. It is demand. The multiplier factor in unemployment insurance is 1.9. That is a good payoff.
You mean like the 1.6 trillion for a new FBI office? That was bad... Oh wait. That was the Repubs who stuffed that in.
The fact is the money is a huge stimulus to the economy. It is demand. The multiplier factor in unemployment insurance is 1.9. That is a good payoff.

Both sides do that and it is equally bad. However, the Democrats do more of it. They've stuffed the unemployment bill with masses of new spending on 'stuff.'
Hello floridafan,

Americans angry with inaction from Senate Republicans and President Donald Trump on extending $600 a week unemployment benefits are accusing the government of not living up to its responsibility to care for the public during the Covid-19 pandemic as the boost in aid expired Friday.

“In the middle of this pandemic they’re playing with us,” said Candida Kevorkian, a 53-year-old California woman relying on the payments to survive, told the Washington Post Saturday.

The benefits are credited with keeping the economy from a complete collapse due to the ongoing nationwide Covid-19 outbreak and staving off a wave of evictions many advocates fear is coming now that the weekly infusion is gone. But the initial program, passed in the CARES Act in late March, only ran until the end of July.

House Democrats approved the HEROES Act, a $3 trillion stimulus package which included an extension of the unemployment benefit boost, in late May, but GOP lawmakers in the Senate, led by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), took no action on the bill, instead presenting a competing bill known as the HEALS Act last month that cut the payment to $200 a week. That legislation was dead on arrival, however, not even generating necessary support within the caucus due to the level of spending.
The White House and the GOP Senate leadership floated a one-week extension for the benefits, but that fix—such as it is—was rejected by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) Thursday evening.

“We recognize the gravity of the situation,” Pelosi told reporters Friday. “They don’t.

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) told MSNBC Friday night the choice to leave town was “inexplicable” and urged his GOP colleagues to negotiate a workable solution to the ongoing crisis with House Democrats.

“I hear senators making $175,000 a year complaining that these ‘lazy workers are getting so much money,'” said Brown. “People haven’t sunk into poverty in significant numbers at all during this pandemic because of the $600 a week.

Would you please post a link to the source?
Both sides do that and it is equally bad. However, the Democrats do more of it. They've stuffed the unemployment bill with masses of new spending on 'stuff.'

The Repubs are trying to force the liability exemption for employers in the bill. They do not want you to sue if a company does not do right about fighting Corona and you get sick. I bet you can guess how many would ignore the safety regs if they were exempt from the damage.
Two things, hard to understand why they can’t compromise with $400 dollars, and secondly, where the hell is Trump, he is the President, and usually the President participates in negotiations over major issues especially during a crisis and we got Trump out playing golf
Oh, he’s negotiating, alright, to get the FBI building remodeled, he doesn’t want them leaving.