Ann Coulter finally admits that "she's" a Man.

Every time I see her on TV I cant help but stare at the adams apple.

She is starting to get defensive and whines about being picked on ,its the begining of the end of her career I think.
Every time I see her on TV I cant help but stare at the adams apple.

She is starting to get defensive and whines about being picked on ,its the begining of the end of her career I think.
The Adam's Apple is more indicative of an eating disorder than of her supposed "manhood". If you notice women with known eating disorders you will see much the same "Adam's Apple".

Woman needs a sandwich.
She is starting to get defensive and whines about being picked on ,its the begining of the end of her career I think.

Considering what she said about the wives of the 9/11 victims, I'm glad calling her a man upsets her. She deserves every bit of misery that comes her way in life.
Considering what she said about the wives of the 9/11 victims, I'm glad calling her a man upsets her. She deserves every bit of misery that comes her way in life.
I enjoy the idea of her squirming as much as the next guy but, alas, I fear you underestimate the resilience of the species Homo punditainerens. They're much like cockroaches: you can humiliate them all you want to but it will only make their core audiences more loyal still.
The Adam's Apple is more indicative of an eating disorder than of her supposed "manhood". If you notice women with known eating disorders you will see much the same "Adam's Apple".

Woman needs a sandwich.

Is sandwich an Americanism for a good hard kicking?
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Is sandwich an Americanism for a good hard kicking?

No but is is really what she needs more than a sandwitch.
Is sandwich an Americanism for a good hard kicking?

No but is is really what she needs more than a sandwitch.
She really needs a nutritionist and to admit the eating disorder so she can fight it. Skinny does not equal "sexy" when it goes too far.
Umm Damo she has much worse problems than an eating disorder....
However I was speaking to the "Adam's Apple" which has far more to do with the eating disorder than with any perceived manhood that those who hate her continuously bring up. A truly caring liberal would understand an eating disorder and recognize the signs and seek to get even Ann some help for her problem.
She really needs a nutritionist and to admit the eating disorder so she can fight it. Skinny does not equal "sexy" when it goes too far.

Yeah but, say she had a perfect hourglass could anyone find her attractive anyway? Put aside the fact that I have seen better looking faces on dog food cans. I don't care if she looks like Angelina Jolie (who I would switch teams for), once she opens that mouth, all that comes out is pure ugliness and hatred.

Yes, she has an eating disorder. She also has some other problems. Problems that I think are even worse.
However I was speaking to the "Adam's Apple" which has far more to do with the eating disorder than with any perceived manhood that those who hate her continuously bring up. A truly caring liberal would understand an eating disorder and recognize the signs and seek to get even Ann some help for her problem.


I'd give her a good kick in her boney ass.
However I was speaking to the "Adam's Apple" which has far more to do with the eating disorder than with any perceived manhood that those who hate her continuously bring up. A truly caring liberal would understand an eating disorder and recognize the signs and seek to get even Ann some help for her problem.

I stomp spiders.

I'd give her a good kick in her boney ass.
I would prefer to lock a bunch of the talking heads up in a room for a month or so with no contact with the world except Air America , NOW, and LINK TV, and food/water.
It would be interesting to view the unstable bassids after a month of that.
Would the turn on each other if no one else was around ?
Who would come out alive Rush or Coltface ?
Yeah but, say she had a perfect hourglass could anyone find her attractive anyway? Put aside the fact that I have seen better looking faces on dog food cans. I don't care if she looks like Angelina Jolie (who I would switch teams for), once she opens that mouth, all that comes out is pure ugliness and hatred.

Yes, she has an eating disorder. She also has some other problems. Problems that I think are even worse.

Yeah but, say she had a perfect hourglass could anyone find her attractive anyway?

No, the minute she opened her mouth, and revealed her souless, hate-filled personality, I would vomit