Anna Nicole v. Scooter Libby...


Well-known member
Come on, if the Corporate Conservative Media really was a liberal media why would they be trying to distract America from the real news?
That judge in the Anna Nichole Smith case is the strongest argument against elected judges I have ever seen. He is an embarassment to the judicial system. I'd hate to be a lawyer in his court, as soon as you ask two questions he interrupts to ask 5 of his own and invite a jury member to ask a few as well....
That judge in the Anna Nichole Smith case is the strongest argument against elected judges I have ever seen. He is an embarassment to the judicial system. I'd hate to be a lawyer in his court, as soon as you ask two questions he interrupts to ask 5 of his own and invite a jury member to ask a few as well....

I have appeared in front of him. I saw him on television last night. THe guy is not so animated or so nice when the camera is not in his courtroom. I think he is a laughing stock.
The guy is a former NYC Taxi Cab driver. He campaigned on that fact and it might have been what got him elected.
This is why Anna Nicole is getting more airplay...

You brought this thread up talking about two trials, and the discussion goes straight to the Anna Nicole ordeal.... it's just more interesting to the common viewer.
Come on, if the Corporate Conservative Media really was a liberal media why would they be trying to distract America from the real news?

I can't turn on cable news without hearing about this crap. Especially Fox News - its pratically all they talk about. MSNBC isnt' much better. CNN is probably covering this the least, but they're still going overboard.
This is why Anna Nicole is getting more airplay...

You brought this thread up talking about two trials, and the discussion goes straight to the Anna Nicole ordeal.... it's just more interesting to the common viewer.

I am so sorry that this is true. The past couple of weeks when I turn on a "news" show and they start talking about Anna Nicole (or Brittany Spears as of late) I immediatly start surfing.

I did one better yesterday. When I go home from work, my boy and I didn't go in the house or turn on the TV until after 6:30, and then it was to watch Spongebob. We stayed outside and played. That was much more fun.
I am so sorry that this is true. The past couple of weeks when I turn on a "news" show and they start talking about Anna Nicole (or Brittany Spears as of late) I immediatly start surfing.

I did one better yesterday. When I go home from work, my boy and I didn't go in the house or turn on the TV until after 6:30, and then it was to watch Spongebob. We stayed outside and played. That was much more fun.

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Way to go leaning.