Another baby!


Well-known member
We are once again expecting....

Due in late December.

Its going to be a girl.
I miss you guys, but I have been very busy with work, and there is not so much to debate regarding politics anymore.

Everyone finally admits Bush is an idiot and a failure. Now with the new baby, Ill have even less time.
I miss you guys, but I have been very busy with work, and there is not so much to debate regarding politics anymore.

Everyone finally admits Bush is an idiot and a failure. Now with the new baby, Ill have even less time.

Congratulatons, that is wonderful news Jarod.
CONGRATULATIONS! We haven't seen enough of you lately!

I agree with Cypress you should post here more often.
I know what causes it...

This was planned.

We already have a 15 month old....
Christmas kids totally get jipped. Plus even as an adult its better to have gift giving spread out through the year.
I like Claire and my wife likes Riley.

Maybe Riley Clare

My granddaughter is Rhiley careful, our little Rhiley is indeed a pistol!

And she can get very riled up!:clink:

I like Claire and my wife likes Riley.

Maybe Riley Clare

Don't do Clair. Unless you're expecting her to be born with a beehive hairdo and "Far Side" glasses.

Riley, Bailey, Emily, Laquisha, these are more appropriate.