APP - another 'bad' cop for sty

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
also, the grandmother should receive praise for daring to come out during the manhunt.

During Friday's intense manhunt for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in Watertown, Mass., when the city of Boston was on lockdown, a Brookline police officer delivered milk to a family with a baby.

And like many random acts of kindness seen in the wake the marathon bombings, the photo—posted to Facebook by the family—went viral, thanks in part to a tweet from the Boston Police Department:
BPD Officer delivers milk to a family with young children in Watertown during the lockdown.
Kevin Wells, the father, took the photo of the officer, John Bradley, as he arrived carrying two gallons of milk for Holden, Wells' 17-month-old son.
During the lockdown, the boy's grandmother, who was visiting from Colorado, left the house to ask the officer if he could grab some milk for the young couple.
“It just meant the world that he literally went out and got two gallons of milk," McKenzie Wells, the boy's mother, told “We wanted to pay him, but he wouldn’t take money from us. He was just so generous."
The photo has been shared more than 100,000 times.