Another BLACK college president caught plagiarizing.

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
When a black says he's a physicist you have to figure he's lying. Math is beyond them. Arithmetic is beyond them.

sep 17 2024 University of Maryland President Darryll Pines appears to have committed significant plagiarism, lifting large portions of two academic journal articles from a tutorial website made years prior by an Australian student, a Daily Wire investigation found.

A 1,500-word stretch of a 5,000-word paper by Pines and a co-author published in 2002 — accounting for nearly a third of the paper — is virtually identical to a tutorial website called “Surfing the Wavelets” published in 1996 by Joshua Altmann, who at the time of publishing was a university student in Australia.

Pines does not cite or mention Altmann or the website, which says it was last updated in October 1996. Pines and his co-author, Liming Salvino, then recycled much of that paper, including almost all the uncredited Altmann language, for another peer-reviewed paper in 2006.
I love it when racists show themselves. Trump empowered a lot of them to crawl out from under their rocks. They knew they had their guy finally after years of hiding. I guess you never saw the movie HIdden Figures. Ask John Glenn if blacks could do math.
When a black says he's a physicist you have to figure he's lying. Math is beyond them. Arithmetic is beyond them.

You should be careful not to rub your hands together in glee too fast for too long.

The friction might burn your skin of start a fire.

Go tell Neil Degrasse Tyson your theory on black physicists.

Maybe you can beat him in a debate about the subject.

Just kidding.

You couldn't win a debate with a 4th grader.
I love it when racists show themselves. Trump empowered a lot of them to crawl out from under their rocks. They knew they had their guy finally after years of hiding. I guess you never saw the movie HIdden Figures. Ask John Glenn if blacks could do math.
Hidden Figure was a MOVIE, you moron. They made it all up, you idiot. There were no black female engineers at NASA during the space race. IT WAS A MOVIE!!!!
When a black says he's a physicist you have to figure he's lying. Math is beyond them. Arithmetic is beyond them.

Climb back into the sewer where you belong racist fuck

Or we will stomp your worthless ass into the gutter and then kick you down into the sewer
When a black says he's a physicist you have to figure he's lying. Math is beyond them. Arithmetic is beyond them.

Dear fucking idiot

Trump has been sued to hell for using other people property without their permission

How many artists have forced him to stop using their material alone?

This is a common mistake writers make

Not checking all prior works for passages too similar to what they have written

Fuck you very much LOOSER