APP - Another Brilliant Republican: Bike Fee

Place fees on them. Make them buy tabs. They are such a fucking nuissance on the road, it would be nice if cyclists would give something back to society other than traffic accidents and slowdowns, the inability to drive the fucking speed limit, an utter disregard for basic traffic laws, etc.
Place fees on them. Make them buy tabs. They are such a fucking nuissance on the road, it would be nice if cyclists would give something back to society other than traffic accidents and slowdowns, the inability to drive the fucking speed limit, an utter disregard for basic traffic laws, etc.

more advanced municipalities have bike lanes to prevent such problems and the police give tickets to people on bikes that violate traffic laws
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Yes, and they are still a terror on the road, even in Portland and Seattle.

the bike riders that violate traffic laws and get hit deserve what they get

oth, motorists that hit bike riders that are obeying traffic laws deserve all that they get also

besides, bike riders generate no cars do
The legislator was a dumbass.

That being said bikers should be paying fees, because they take up space on the road.

That being said the amount you'd collect would be insignificant, likely dwarfing the cost to collect, so screw it.
Don, lost time = pollution in my book. We get tons of that when stuck behind bikers. It's also like letting you car idle to pollute, except there's a cyclist involved.
Don, lost time = pollution in my book. We get tons of that when stuck behind bikers. It's also like letting you car idle to pollute, except there's a cyclist involved.

did you miss the part about bike lanes?

and where is your proof that 'tons' of pollution are generated as a result of bikes sharing roadways
Tons of lost time. :D


and your proof?

i live in a town with bike paths and have been living here for two years and occasionally drive around town sharing the road with bicycles and sharing a nearby highway with bikes when i drive into santa barbara without problems
I specifically mentioned Portland and Seattle, because we are bike havens with a great deal of lanes. BTW, just last night in the U District, I saw a biker get lucky. He almost pulled in front of a turning vehicle.
I specifically mentioned Portland and Seattle, because we are bike havens with a great deal of lanes. BTW, just last night in the U District, I saw a biker get lucky. He almost pulled in front of a turning vehicle.

today while making a legal u-turn a fool made a right turn on red without looking and almost hit me

then another fool, was sitting at a red light in front of me and decided to run the light

bikers, pedestrians and automobile drivers do foolish things every day, some get splatted, some get caught and some get away with their foolishness

oh well
Don, lost time = pollution in my book. We get tons of that when stuck behind bikers. It's also like letting you car idle to pollute, except there's a cyclist involved.

Then punish motorists to keep them off the road too. Or do they not slow you down as well?
And the snarky commentators noted that he was right, in fact people pollute just by riding chairs, or lying on a bed. In fact I'll go one step further and note that a person pollutes even after they are dead. Such it is now that CO2 has been classified as a pollutant. So I'm not sure what the fucking point is.