Another Bush-Dixie-WRL LIE exposed!



There's no evidence Saddam Hussein had a relationship with Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and his Al-Qaida associates, according to a Senate report on prewar intelligence on Iraq. Democrats said the report undercuts President Bush's justification for going to war.
The declassified document being released Friday by the Senate Intelligence Committee also explores the role that inaccurate information supplied by the anti-Saddam exile group the Iraqi National Congress had in the march to war.

It discloses for the first time an October 2005 CIA assessment that prior to the war Saddam's government "did not have a relationship, harbor, or turn a blind eye toward Zarqawi and his associates."

How many times have we all listened to the neocon spin-miester gadflies tell us that Saddam and Zarqawi were buddies? Will any of them retract that lie now? You know damned well that nobody in the administration will ever even admit to TELLING it, let alone retract it!

There's no evidence Saddam Hussein had a relationship with Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and his Al-Qaida associates, according to a Senate report on prewar intelligence on Iraq. Democrats said the report undercuts President Bush's justification for going to war.
The declassified document being released Friday by the Senate Intelligence Committee also explores the role that inaccurate information supplied by the anti-Saddam exile group the Iraqi National Congress had in the march to war.

It discloses for the first time an October 2005 CIA assessment that prior to the war Saddam's government "did not have a relationship, harbor, or turn a blind eye toward Zarqawi and his associates."

How many times have we all listened to the neocon spin-miester gadflies tell us that Saddam and Zarqawi were buddies? Will any of them retract that lie now? You know damned well that nobody in the administration will ever even admit to TELLING it, let alone retract it!

There's no evidence Saddam Hussein had a relationship with Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and his Al-Qaida associates, according to a Senate report on prewar intelligence on Iraq.

Hasn't this been common knowledge for years?
There's no evidence Saddam Hussein had a relationship with Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and his Al-Qaida associates, according to a Senate report on prewar intelligence on Iraq.

Hasn't this been common knowledge for years?

when soaked with koolaid like the boys in question, common knowledge doesn't often register....
Projection ? Koolaid drinkers, pinheads, tinfoil hat wearers, etc. Dixie has seemed to be the most vocal on using these labels....
I'll wait to see this so called report and not the liberal spin. But the 9/11 Commission did find a link, but I guess they lied! LOL

The 9/11 Commission Report indicates that a senior Iraqi intelligence officer met with Osama bin Laden in Sudan in late 1994 or early 1995 and that contacts continued after bin Laden relocated in Afghanistan. Iraq harbored senior members of a terrorist network led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, an al-Qaeda associate. CIA Director George Tenet told the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (in a 10/7/02 letter), “We have solid reporting of senior level contacts between Iraq and al-Qaeda going back a decade.” Senator Hillary Clinton stated on October 10, 2002 that Saddam “has given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al-Qaeda members.” The Clinton administration tied Iraq to al-Qaeda back in 1998, arguing that Saddam Hussein had provided technical assistance in the construction of an al-Qaeda chemical plant in Sudan….
There's no evidence Saddam Hussein had a relationship with Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and his Al-Qaida associates, according to a Senate report on prewar intelligence on Iraq.

Hasn't this been common knowledge for years?

Well...I think it is important to note that this report is based upon a very specific finding in a CIA report from October 2005 that postdates the 9/11 Commission and other sources used by the idiots on the right to perpetuate this fiction.
And the fact he was actually in Iraq may make the connection a bit questionable. He was IN Iraq.
WASHINGTON - Saddam Hussein regarded al-Qaida as a threat rather than a possible ally, a Senate report says, contradicting assertions President Bush has used to build support for the war in Iraq. The report also newly faults intelligence gathering in the lead-up to the 2003 invasion.

as I can recall, some folks from the left side of the aisle have been saying exactly that for years now, and those folks with their noses up Bush's ass have called us traitors and liars and cowards for saying so.....

some of those same righties have recently come out and stated that firing on Fort Sumter was not an act of treason..... so we can pretty well assert that their definition of treason and that of most other rational folks are a bit divergent.

When will they ever admit that they were wrong about this stupid Iraq war and that those of us who were warning of just such disconnects were right all along?
WASHINGTON - Saddam Hussein regarded al-Qaida as a threat rather than a possible ally, a Senate report says, contradicting assertions President Bush has used to build support for the war in Iraq. The report also newly faults intelligence gathering in the lead-up to the 2003 invasion.

as I can recall, some folks from the left side of the aisle have been saying exactly that for years now, and those folks with their noses up Bush's ass have called us traitors and liars and cowards for saying so.....

some of those same righties have recently come out and stated that firing on Fort Sumter was not an act of treason..... so we can pretty well assert that their definition of treason and that of most other rational folks are a bit divergent.

When will they ever admit that they were wrong about this stupid Iraq war and that those of us who were warning of just such disconnects were right all along?

I don't think Dixie wants to address the bipartisan Senate findings, that Saddam did not harbor Al Qaeda, or that he considered Al Qaeda a mortal threat to him.