Another day, another captivating donald trump rally.

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
He travelled to Michigan A few weeks ago to hold yet another rally where thousands of people attended to hear him speak. But this time it was different. 15 minutes into it, people began finding the exits.

It's not surprising. trump is just repeating his greatest hits. Admittedly, he dropped a couple of new nuggets this time, saying “Democrats are cruel and vindictive. Left-wing tyrants called them sinister,” and sing-songed how they’re dangerous people willing to burn every American institution to the ground. He offered praise to Ginny Thomas and again told how his whole 2020 election was stolen.

They don't care what he has to say. They're not even willing to hang around while he spruiks his crazy, incoherent shit anymore and the ones who did stay looked as though they’d rather be anywhere else on the planet other than stuck listening to him.

It’s the same tired shit in front of the same tired people, except this time they’re not masking their boredom.
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