Another Day....Another Stem Cell Veto


Will work for Scooby snacks
Bush is going to veto another effort to fund Stem Cell research today.

Presumably because of his committment to the "culture of life". Which is an odd position to take, for a man that's been responsible for killing up to half a million people in Iraq.
Bush is going to veto another effort to fund Stem Cell research today.

Presumably because of his committment to the "culture of life". Which is an odd position to take, for a man that's been responsible for killing up to half a million people in Iraq.

Do you think really, that even someone with the talent of a Twain, could have made up a future where a certain segment of the populaton would revere cells more than human life? Because I don't think he could have done it. That's how absurd I think it is, that even a Twain, with his mastery of the absurd, couldn't have nailed this.
Do you think really, that even someone with the talent of a Twain, could have made up a future where a certain segment of the populaton would revere cells more than human life? Because I don't think he could have done it. That's how absurd I think it is, that even a Twain, with his mastery of the absurd, couldn't have nailed this.
What, Who, which Twain are you speaking of? Mark Twain? (if it is, I don't see the corelation) or do you have some special definition of a Twain?

really, I am trying to determine your position on the issue, but with this post I haven't a clue--inless--------

are you possibly saying that You think stem Cell research is somehow akin to murder? .--- and in any case, what is absurd and what was nailed or wasn't nailed??? Please enlighten me
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What, Who, which Twain are you speaking of? Mark Twain? or do you have some special definition of a Twain?

really, I am trying to determine your position on the issue, but with this post I haven't a clue

What is absurd? and are you posible saying that You think stem Cell research is somehow akin to murder? Please enlighten me.

It must just be your comprehension abilities. I understood her perfectly.
Do you think really, that even someone with the talent of a Twain, could have made up a future where a certain segment of the populaton would revere cells more than human life? Because I don't think he could have done it. That's how absurd I think it is, that even a Twain, with his mastery of the absurd, couldn't have nailed this.

No, I never could have imagined that blastocysts in a petri dish that are going to be disposed of anyway would be elevated to the status of human beings.

Other advanced countries are laughing at this. It's embarrasing, really.
No, I never could have imagined that blastocysts in a petri dish that are going to be disposed of anyway would be elevated to the status of human beings.

Other advanced countries are laughing at this. It's embarrasing, really.

They are taking this opportunity to be on the cutting edge of technology and scientific advancement while the republicans try to drag us back into the stone ages. Its as simple as that. While their governments are helping R&D firms come up with patents and future revenue streams and cures to ailments, we'll still be having congressional hearings on steroids.
They are taking this opportunity to be on the cutting edge of technology and scientific advancement while the republicans try to drag us back into the stone ages. Its as simple as that. While their governments are helping R&D firms come up with patents and future revenue streams and cures to ailments, we'll still be having congressional hearings on steroids.

Indeed. I've read that a lot of researchers in the field are fleeing to the UK, and places were there is adequate funding. Well, we haven't lost yet. But, another 8 years of theocratic republican rule, will probably make us a second-rate power in this field.
Indeed. I've read that a lot of researchers in the field are fleeing to the UK, and places were there is adequate funding. Well, we haven't lost yet. But, another 8 years of theocratic republican rule, will probably make us a second-rate power in this field.

They're going to Asia as well. Basically anywhere that's not here to get funding. That's one area I'd like to see gov't monies spent and that is R&D to fight degenerative diseases. For me, that's what a lot of our "defense"/"offense" budget should be invested in.
This on the same day that it was announced that scientists (in Australia, I think) have successfully created stem cells from cloned primate (rhesus monkey) embryos. This apparently is the first time that primate cells have been cloned successfully.

What a tremendous development this promises to be for sufferers of Parkinson's Disease, for instance; ultimately perhaps for people who need organ transplants ...

How can we be so backward? Less than two more years ...
This on the same day that it was announced that scientists (in Australia, I think) have successfully created stem cells from cloned primate (rhesus monkey) embryos. This apparently is the first time that primate cells have been cloned successfully.

What a tremendous development this promises to be for sufferers of Parkinson's Disease, for instance; ultimately perhaps for people who need organ transplants ...

How can we be so backward? Less than two more years ...

Well, if we get the impeachment hearings under way maybe even less.
Not a threat Darla, just wondering if divine intervention exists ;)

If it happened and Bush lost oxy to the brain for a while before being revived. How could anyone tell if he was brain damaged ?
Not a threat Darla, just wondering if divine intervention exists ;)

If it happened and Bush lost oxy to the brain for a while before being revived. How could anyone tell if he was brain damaged ?

Maybe...if they brought in a team of specialists and did brain scans and tracked the waves...if he gives off any brain waves. It'd be tough.
I disagree with his logic on the morality of this bill. The lives will be destroyed regardless, so he has basically made their existence worth less. Basically it is legal to throw them in the trash and kill them directly, but not legal to give them more worth by allowing science to advance. I can see vetoing a bill that would create these lives for the purpose of destroying them, but not one that relegates them to the status of human refuse.
I disagree with his logic on the morality of this bill. The lives will be destroyed regardless, so he has basically made their existence worth less. Basically it is legal to throw them in the trash and kill them directly, but not legal to give them more worth by allowing science to advance. I can see vetoing a bill that would create these lives for the purpose of destroying them, but not one that relegates them to the status of human refuse.
Agreed, the logic is simply not there. Tho I see no reason to NOT create embryos for the purpose (Since they are not human beings, only of human strain. )

IMHO To destroy embryos, and possible usefull stem cells from aborted fetuses,(and their possible benefits) simply because they WERE of human form is senseless
Agreed, the logic is simply not there. Tho I see no reason to NOT create embryos for the purpose (Since they are not human beings, only of human strain. )

IMHO To destroy embryos, and possible usefull stem cells from aborted fetuses,(and their possible benefits) simply because they WERE of human form is senseless
I don't care what kind of life it is, to create it solely for its destruction would be immoral IMO.

However, forcing them to throw away life that is already slated for destruction for another reason when there is another choice that can better give cause for its creation is also immoral.