Another Dem bites the dust

Big Money

New member
Bob Filner - another casualty of the Democrat War on Women...Ted Kennedy, JFK, Wilbur Mills, BJ Clinton, Elliot Spitzer, Antony Weiner, the list of Democrats who abuse women rolls on.


Gloria Allred holds up one of the three resignation "gifts" she said she had for Filner -- including a wallet-size laminated card providing the legal definition of sexual harassment.

After nine months of chaotic governance, and six weeks of headline-grabbing accusations of sexual harassment, the tenure of Bob Filner as mayor came to a quiet end at 5 p.m. Friday when his forced resignation became effective.


Filner still faces legal issues.

The state attorney general and San Diego County Sheriff's Department are conducting a criminal investigation into Filner's conduct toward women, with charges of assault possible. The Sheriff's Department has a hotline to field accusations against Filner.

The City Council is also set to investigate Filner's use of a city credit card, as well as a trip to Paris in which two San Diego police officers went as a security detail.,0,6836105.story
and yet, women continue to vote for democrats over republicans by whopping margins. It would seem that THEY don't see this democratic war on women that you do. Odd.
there are folks who misbehave on both sides of the aisle.

women DO support democrats more than republicans by a wide margin. that's your problem, certainly not mine.
you seem to have a hair up your ass about democrats... I apologize if suggesting you were a conservative republican was incorrect. how would you identify your political affiliation?

At a morning news conference, Gloria Allred said she has three resignation "gifts" for Filner.

The first gift, she said, is a wallet-size laminated card providing the legal definition of sexual harassment. Filner should consult the card whenever he approaches a woman, Allred said.

The second gift is a mirror, so Filner can look at the person most responsible for his disgraceful exit as mayor of San Diego.

And the third, Allred said, is a card with the salutation, "I look forward to seeing you soon in deposition."

The lawsuit Allred filed on behalf of Jackson is still under mediation, she said.
