APP - Another democrat party hypocrite


New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to resign Tuesday following physical abuse allegations

He claims he was “role playing”. Maybe the women didn’t know they were supposed to be Tina to his Ike?

Wasn’t this the guy who was going after President Trump big league?


Didn’t see many threads started by our democrat party friends on JPP so I thought maybe they missed the news
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to resign Tuesday following physical abuse allegations

He claims he was “role playing”. Maybe the women didn’t know they were supposed to be Tina to his Ike?

Wasn’t this the guy who was going after President Trump big league?


Didn’t see many threads started by our democrat party friends on JPP so I thought maybe they missed the news

That's because the democrats don't eat their own like trump and the gop does.

There are more sex scandals involving republicans than democrats.

Rumors that the republican morning joe killed an intern.