Another Dixie Prediction Goes Horribly Wrong


Will work for Scooby snacks
-DIXIE June 2006: Culture of Corruption" Theme: FAILED!

"Democratic spinmeisters are all lauding yesterday's election results as a "moral victory" despite the fact they didn't win diddly squat. The California seat of Cunningham was supposed to be a bell-weather for the upcoming midterms, being that Duke was sent to jail for corruption, it was the most obvious race for the Democrats to try their 'Culture of Corruption' strategy, and Democrat Busby failed to get even as many votes as she got in the last election for the seat. Even though the strategy failed in this, the most likely race to make it work, Democrats are going to insist the results from yesterday meant some kind of win for the party. I think it was a clear indicator, the voters... even in liberal kookville California... rejected the 'culture of corruption' message from the Democratic party. The strategy is doomed, and yesterday's results proved it clearly!" (


-KARL ROVE, November 2006: “The profile of corruption in the exit polls was bigger than I’d expected,” Rove tells TIME. “Abramoff, lobbying, Foley and Haggard [the disgraced evangelical leader] added to the general distaste that people have for all things Washington, and it just reached critical mass.” (Time Magazine)
The point in Rove's comments wasn't forthright and was self-serving.

I'll translate:

"Voters were upset with Congress, not President Bush and his policies."

Karl thru Congressional R's under the bus!!!!
I've never "met" anybody on a message board who is as consistently wrong in their predictions, as Dixie.

One can pretty much assume the exact opposite will happen, from what he predicts.
I've never "met" anybody on a message board who is as consistently wrong in their predictions, as Dixie.

I'll second that.
-DIXIE June 2006: Culture of Corruption" Theme: FAILED!

"Democratic spinmeisters are all lauding yesterday's election results as a "moral victory" despite the fact they didn't win diddly squat. The California seat of Cunningham was supposed to be a bell-weather for the upcoming midterms, being that Duke was sent to jail for corruption, it was the most obvious race for the Democrats to try their 'Culture of Corruption' strategy, and Democrat Busby failed to get even as many votes as she got in the last election for the seat. Even though the strategy failed in this, the most likely race to make it work, Democrats are going to insist the results from yesterday meant some kind of win for the party. I think it was a clear indicator, the voters... even in liberal kookville California... rejected the 'culture of corruption' message from the Democratic party. The strategy is doomed, and yesterday's results proved it clearly!" (


-KARL ROVE, November 2006: “The profile of corruption in the exit polls was bigger than I’d expected,” Rove tells TIME. “Abramoff, lobbying, Foley and Haggard [the disgraced evangelical leader] added to the general distaste that people have for all things Washington, and it just reached critical mass.” (Time Magazine)

-DIXIE June 2006: "Culture of Corruption" Theme: FAILED!....The strategy is doomed, and yesterday's results proved it clearly!"

-Rich Lowry, editor of the Conservative National Review, Nov. 2006 wrote,

The “culture of corruption” was real. That phrase was a much-contested talking point during the past two years, with Democrats touting it as an accurate description of the degraded ethical state of the congressional GOP and Republicans dismissing it as a smear.

Democrats were much closer to the truth. Voters took a good whiff of the odor emanating from Washington and some of their Republican representatives, and recoiled. One-third of Republican losses in the House came in congressional districts where the party had been tainted, to varying degrees, by scandal.
as has been said by many others on here and elsewhere....if Dixie says one thing, it is a good bet to put lots of money on the opposite....except, of course, if you place that bet with Dixie himself, who never pays up.
Dixie says Iran and Syria are the major problem in Iraq, and that the iraqi insurgents and militia are not self-sustaining; i.e., they are stooges of Iran.

The National Intelligence Estimate, released today, refutes Dixie:

-DIXIE: “Well they (Iran and Syria) certainly are the main problem (in Iraq)”

-DIXIE: “The problem is funding and assistance coming from Syria and Iran, and security of the borders. Period.”

-DIXIE: “the insurgents are a proxy army for Syria and Iran, this is not a generic internal conflict”

National Intelligence Report, February 2007:

Iran is “not likely to be a major driver of violence or the prospects for stability”:

“Iraq’s neighbors influence, and are influenced by, events within Iraq, but the involvement of these outside actors is not likely to be a major driver of violence or the prospects for stability because of the self-sustaining character of Iraq’s internal sectarian dynamics. Nonetheless, Iranian lethal support for select groups of Iraqi Shia militants clearly intensifies the conflict in Iraq.”