Another dumb scientist who has no idea what free will is.


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Q: So, whether I wore a red or blue shirt today — are you saying I didn’t really choose that?

A: Absolutely. It can play out in the seconds before. Studies show that if you’re sitting in a room with a terrible smell, people become more socially conservative. Some of that has to do with genetics: What’s the makeup of their olfactory receptors? With childhood: What conditioning did they have to particular smells? All of that affects the outcome.

Dumbest thing I ever heard.
You don't become a Leftist simply because of some minor stimulus. You become one because you are a combination of stupid and studying at a university for years. Nature doesn't make people (radical leftists) that stupid. It takes concentrated effort to become that stupid. It has to be distilled into a purer form and force fed into idiots for it to take effect. That's what liberal arts universities are for today...
You don't become a Leftist simply because of some minor stimulus. You become one because you are a combination of stupid and studying at a university for years. Nature doesn't make people (radical leftists) that stupid. It takes concentrated effort to become that stupid. It has to be distilled into a purer form and force fed into idiots for it to take effect. That's what liberal arts universities are for today...

The universities are in collapse...that is what they get for betraying their mission.
Q: So, whether I wore a red or blue shirt today — are you saying I didn’t really choose that?

A: Absolutely. It can play out in the seconds before. Studies show that if you’re sitting in a room with a terrible smell, people become more socially conservative. Some of that has to do with genetics: What’s the makeup of their olfactory receptors? With childhood: What conditioning did they have to particular smells? All of that affects the outcome.

Dumbest thing I ever heard.

I think research scientists who write papers claiming there's no free will think they are being edgy enough to capture the attention of their peers, and the scientific publishing industry
Q: So, whether I wore a red or blue shirt today — are you saying I didn’t really choose that?

A: Absolutely. It can play out in the seconds before. Studies show that if you’re sitting in a room with a terrible smell, people become more socially conservative. Some of that has to do with genetics: What’s the makeup of their olfactory receptors? With childhood: What conditioning did they have to particular smells? All of that affects the outcome.

Dumbest thing I ever heard.

"Robert Sapolsky, biologist and neurologist at Stanford University, stopped believing in free will at age 13."

Keyword: believing. Facts are facts, believing is opinion.
You don't become a Leftist simply because of some minor stimulus. You become one because you are a combination of stupid and studying at a university for years. Nature doesn't make people (radical leftists) that stupid. It takes concentrated effort to become that stupid. It has to be distilled into a purer form and force fed into idiots for it to take effect. That's what liberal arts universities are for today...


This post is totally ludicrous.
You don't become a Leftist simply because of some minor stimulus. You become one because you are a combination of stupid and studying at a university for years. Nature doesn't make people (radical leftists) that stupid. It takes concentrated effort to become that stupid. It has to be distilled into a purer form and force fed into idiots for it to take effect. That's what liberal arts universities are for today...
Given that the most back woods, ignorant people are in Red states, your premise is flawed.

Ignorant Republican voters are created at the dinner table. The intelligent humans learn to reject what their parents spew, and grow up to be Independents
"Robert Sapolsky, biologist and neurologist at Stanford University, stopped believing in free will at age 13."

Keyword: believing. Facts are facts, believing is opinion.

If some thought or action bubbles up in our subconscious three picoseconds before it hits our conciousness, that is still ourselves. Our subconscious is formed by our preferences, our experiences. Our subconscious is still us. Trying to elevate that evidence to a claim that we are slaves to fate and lack free will and free choice is preposterous.
If some thought or action bubbles up in our subconscious three picoseconds before it hits our conciousness, that is still ourselves. Our subconscious is formed by our preferences, our experiences. Our subconscious is still us. Trying to elevate that evidence to a claim that we are slaves to fate and lack free will and free choice is preposterous.

Agreed on preposterous.

IMO, those who are against free will are making two mistakes; one is conflating "free will" with the religious aspects of a soul, which is why most atheists are against free will. A second is assuming "all or none" with no consideration for a middle ground. Like animals, humans are, indeed products of our genetics and experiences. Like the difference between inanimate building blocks of life and living things, humans seem to have a spark that makes them different. In this case, "free will" defined as the ability to look forward and alter their behavior based upon desired goals. Animals and stupid people simply react to immediate issues. Most people have the ability to change their behavior because they have free will.
Agreed on preposterous.

IMO, those who are against free will are making two mistakes; one is conflating "free will" with the religious aspects of a soul, which is why most atheists are against free will. A second is assuming "all or none" with no consideration for a middle ground. Like animals, humans are, indeed products of our genetics and experiences. Like the difference between inanimate building blocks of life and living things, humans seem to have a spark that makes them different. In this case, "free will" defined as the ability to look forward and alter their behavior based upon desired goals. Animals and stupid people simply react to immediate issues. Most people have the ability to change their behavior because they have free will.

I've noticed that too. Holy Rollers and Militant Atheists both tend to be highly reactive against any science, psychology, or phenomena that they feel might threaten the certainty with which they hold their beliefs, or which might give the other side "ammunition"..
I've noticed that too. Holy Rollers and Militant Atheists both tend to be highly reactive against any science, psychology, or phenomena that they feel might threaten the certainty with which they hold their beliefs, or which might give the other side "ammunition"..

Agreed. It's extreme behavior.

Looking at various views is akin to reading Amazon reviews; toss out the top and bottom 10% to see where the majority sits. In social matters, it's more towards the middle.

That said, facts always trump beliefs. Notice that it's the scientists who couch their data in terms like "The data indicates", not that more emotional view of spinning the data or making assumptions about the data such as causal factors.
You don't become a Leftist simply because of some minor stimulus. You become one because you are a combination of stupid and studying at a university for years. Nature doesn't make people (radical leftists) that stupid. It takes concentrated effort to become that stupid. It has to be distilled into a purer form and force fed into idiots for it to take effect. That's what liberal arts universities are for today...

You have gone pure silly.