Another EV maker bites the dust.

T. A. Gardner

Thread Killer
EV manufacturer Nikola just filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Between one CEO being convicted of fraud, repeated vehicle fires, and no demand for their trucks and vehicles, Nikola was barely hanging on to begin with.

Good thing Biden's gone. He'd have handed this porker of a company a few billion to stay in business.
EV manufacturer Nikola just filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Between one CEO being convicted of fraud, repeated vehicle fires, and no demand for their trucks and vehicles, Nikola was barely hanging on to begin with. Good thing Biden's gone. He'd have handed this porker of a company a few billion to stay in business.

I suspect Kackling Kow Kamala would've, too. Their strings were being pulled by the same puppeteer.
Well, there is another way to address the desire for an EV...

Develop the tech to extract CO2 from the air, separate it, let the 02 go, and combine the free carbon to Hydrogen obtained by separating water... to get methane.

Then you standard catalytic combining techniques to combine two Methane into Butane, Several Butane into Pentane... and keep going until you have gasoline.

If you want to power the process with wind turbines or solar cells... okay...

Point is, when you get done, every gasoline car out there is an EV!

And the CO2 that comes out of the exhaust pipe this week, go back into the gas tank next week, round and round, carbon neutral.

When it comes to EV's and their batteries neither Europe nor America are competitive in either price or quality, with a few exceptions....Like Tesla's battery management system is good.
The Greens don't WANT a solution that works, they want a justification for government slush-funds and dictatorial control of mobility.

Gods Damn the Lefties!
Tesla won't be next, if he switches to EVs based on a Liquid-Aire energy storage mechanism.

I like most of his models. I believe in the basic Concept of an EV.

I just don't want a Lithium Battery EV.
