Another Gay Republican Is Outed--This Time It’s A Rising Star!


Senior Member
More gay Republicans are being outed all over the country. Today’s poor closeted sap is the frontrunner in the Florida Governor’s race and a rising star in Republican circles, Charlie Crist. How will the Republicans be able to continue to denounce gay people and the gay lifestyle if so many of them are shown to be gay? Looks like they won’t be running on the gay marriage bill anytime soon. And that is a good thing. Apparently Crist says "I never had sex with that man." But not so say the men he supposedly had sex with. I wonder if he waged his finger in the air when he said that. Yes, it is getting dirty out there and the dirt is falling all over. And I was just talking about how people are still repulsed by this idea of Men on men sexual contact, especially down there in the south, but with all this hanky panky in Florida they might not even care down there anymore.

Originally published by Broward-Palm Beach New Times 2006-10-19
©2005 New Times, Inc. All rights reserved.

Crist Denies Trysts
GOP frontrunner: I have never had sex with a man

By Bob Norman

A young rising star in the Republican Party has boasted to witnesses of his sexual relationship with Charlie Crist, the frontrunner in the Florida governor's race who has repeatedly denied that he is gay.

The GOP staffer, 21-year-old Jason Wetherington, told friends at separate social functions in August that he had sex with Crist, according to two credible and independent sources who heard Wetherington make the claim first-hand.

Wetherington, who recently worked as a field director for U.S. Senate candidate Katherine Harris and currently works for state representative Ellyn Bodganoff's reelection campaign, also named a man whom he said is Crist's long-term partner, a convicted thief named Bruce Carlton Jordan who also recently worked for Harris in her long-shot Senate bid.

Jordan made headlines recently when the Miami Herald learned that the felon was working as Harris's travel aide. The newspaper noted that Jordan, 42, was reported to be close friends with Charlie Crist, whom he convinced to attend an annual Florida Funeral Directors Association meeting in 2003.

Jordan was charged in 2003 with stealing thousands of dollars from two organizations for whom he worked, including the Tallahassee-based Florida Funeral Directors Association, where he served as executive director. He completed a 60-day jail sentence in February and will be on probation until the year 2011, according to state records.

When the Herald questioned Crist about Jordan this past August, the frontrunner in the governor's race told the newspaper that he doesn't remember the man. "I don't know who Bruce Jordan is," he said at the time. "It doesn't mean I haven't met him. I don't know who you are speaking about."

I asked Crist during a phone interview on Monday morning if he had ever had sex with Jordan.

"No," he said. "I don't recall the name."

That Crist doesn't remember Jordan seemed incredible to me. Not only did the attorney general make a special appearance at the funeral directors' conference, but former presidents of the association say Jordan was known to be pals with Crist. Attempts to reach Jordan weren't successful, but his father told me that Crist and his son are friends.

"He talks about [Crist], but I don't think he's seen Charlie in a while," said Albert Jordan, who lives in Inverness, where he and his wife raised their son.

When asked if his son and Crist had a sexual relationship, the father simply said, "Not as far as I know."

I recounted some of those facts with Crist.

"I'm not saying I haven't met him, I probably have," he said. "I just can't picture him, that's all."

I also asked him about Wetherington's claim to sources that he'd had sex with Crist. "That's ridiculous," he said. "Completely false."

Then I asked him if he'd ever in his life had sex with a man.

"Never," he said.

While there is no proof that what Wetherington has said is true, it's clear that he said it. I first learned about his claims after receiving an anonymous e-mail on October 6. The e-mail was linked to a 2003 story of mine reporting that now-disgraced congressman Mark Foley was gay.

"Why don't you do the same story for another hugely visible FL politician running for office? Call if you want a starting point."

Immediately I knew the e-mailer was referring to Crist. For years, it has been rumored that Crist, the favorite to move into the governor's mansion after the November 7 election, is gay.

I was interested in pursuing the lead mainly because I've come to believe that any closeted politician in the Republican Party — which openly woos homophobes into its ranks while opposing gay rights — is fair game for the media.

Crist, for his part, has been moderate on those issues and supports civil unions. "I'm a live and let live kind of guy," he told me.

Full Story With Lots More Gory Details
how low can the dems sink? no proof just someone said....sad that is the only way a dem can win an election. SLIME
It WILL be an issue with many Republican voters though, whether or not it should be.
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Who cares, this should NOT be an issue.

The gay community is turning on gay Republicans for their anti-gay agenda. This is the revolution eating their own. They are intent on making sure that Republicans are either openly gay and therefore not supportive of anti-gay rights initiatives or they are going to be outed. I don't know what to think about this strategy, but it is coming from inside the gay community. Evidently some have decided enough hypocricy is enough. At the same time it was the Republicans who made a big deal out of Clinton's extra-marital affair with Monica so if that was fair game then an extra marital affair with a man should also be fair game shouldn't it? I haven't seen the Republicans claim that they are not going to be going after someone for their sex life. Look what they are doing to Harold Ford in Tennessee with their "Harold, call me!" ad. But this is coming from inside the gay community as I said so I don't know what to think of it.
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This is such a weird thing...

Were I Ellen Degeneres' employee's friend for a time, this employee got her to come to a party or two of mine to help raise funds for something....

Then later, if I say I had sex with Ellen Degeneres and credible people report to you that I said so, does that make her hetero?

What if she then said she didn't remember me? Is that what would make her hetero?
If Crist is gay, I do think he should be open about it, there is nuthing wrong with it so be proud of who you are.

But it is really not an issue in my opinion, unless he talks bad about gays.. so eomething else to make him a hypocrate.
This is such a weird thing...

Were I Ellen Degeneres' employee's friend for a time, this employee got her to come to a party or two of mine to help raise funds for something....

Then later, if I say I had sex with Ellen Degeneres and credible people report to you that I said so, does that make her hetero?

What if she then said she didn't remember me? Is that what would make her hetero?

This is a really weird post, it appears here with a paragraph that doesn't appear in the original. Why is that?
This is a really weird post, it appears here with a paragraph that doesn't appear in the original. Why is that?
It's called an edit button... You have one too. What's your point?

Instead of just posting a new post I added to the one I had last posted as there had been no following posts after mine.
I made a few post over the last several weeks that liberals were planning on outings before the elections. I guess I was right again. If this guy is homo or not is another question.
It's called an edit button... You have one too. What's your point?

Instead of just posting a new post I added to the one I had last posted as there had been no following posts after mine.

But the original doesn't show that it was edited at all. That is why I asked. I know what the edit button does, but it usually says last edited by at such and such a time. Your post does not say that.
But the original doesn't show that it was edited at all. That is why I asked. I know what the edit button does, but it usually says last edited by at such and such a time. Your post does not say that.
If you edit it within a certain amount of time it won't show that "edited by" thing...
If Crist is not gay and does not practice extramarital sex... then he is asexual, something I find even more weard than if he were gay.
I went to his website and looked at his bio; there is nothing there about a marriage or a wife or any children. So he either never married, or he was divorced without children. In any event he does not appear to have a wife currently.
He was once married, for less than a year. There were no children as a result of that marriage.

I have a relative who knows Crist very well. My relative speaks VERY highly of him and I have great respect for my relative... thus I considered voting for Christ until the debate last night. Because of his politics I cant bear to vote for the guy. But I belive Crist is a very good person from the things I have heard about him personally. That being said, my relative also said Crist's sexuality has been an open question amung those who know him well for many years.