Another ill-informed article on nuclear power

T. A. Gardner

Thread Killer
Stumbled across this article in a greentard magazine. Written by Sarah (Steve) Mosko is a licensed psychologist and sleep disorder specialist living in Southern California.

He / she (I assume) blunders through a list of logical fallacies and outright lies trying to argue against nuclear power. It's just another par for the course. I thought about leaving a scathing comment, but then I'd have to worry about being doxed as this is a radical Leftist site. Not one of the ten reasons Mosko lists is "solid." They are all crap.
I couldn't even make it through the whole article. The author clearly had no scientific background at all. It was actually painful to read.
I couldn't even make it through the whole article. The author clearly had no scientific background at all. It was actually painful to read.

The author is a psychologist. They have no scientific background whatsoever. It's like sociology, mostly a made-up pseudoscience.
Stumbled across this article in a greentard magazine. Written by Sarah (Steve) Mosko is a licensed psychologist and sleep disorder specialist living in Southern California.

He / she (I assume) blunders through a list of logical fallacies and outright lies trying to argue against nuclear power. It's just another par for the course. I thought about leaving a scathing comment, but then I'd have to worry about being doxed as this is a radical Leftist site. Not one of the ten reasons Mosko lists is "solid." They are all crap.

The Greenies are an odd group of non-thinking ideologues.

They want to deprive the world of easy, convenient and plentiful energy for reasons that are vague at best and outright lies at worst.

Since 1900, the population of humans on the planet is higher than ever: Up from about a billion to near 8 billion The number of Democratic-based government on the planet is up from about 5 to about 100.

The comparative luxury and comfort enjoyed by the worlds population is better than ever across the entire history of the world.

The reason for the vast improvements to the vast majority of people is Fossil Fuels and the Blessings they bestow.

If they are against the wide spread use and the development of the use(s) use of Fossil Fuels, they are against the betterment and comfort of mankind.

The only question, then, is "Why?".
In 1920 oil was the new big energy source
In 1820 coal was the new big energy source
In 1720 we cut down trees and burned them for energy
In 2020 the greentards want us to burn wood pellets for energy...
In 1920 oil was the new big energy source
In 1820 coal was the new big energy source
In 1720 we cut down trees and burned them for energy
In 2020 the greentards want us to burn wood pellets for energy...

The smart ones talk about bio-mass. They think that means burning people to stay warm.
That means nothing to the left. Look at who they put into office all the time.

Exactly. This person has no knowledge of nuclear power whatsoever but is writing on it as if they were an authority because they have a PhD (Piled Higher & Deeper). Like I said, I'd leave a scathing rebuttal of the article except I suspect if I do--I have to give up my e-mail--I'll get doxed bigtime in retaliation. That's how the Left rolls.