Another Jew Plot


Junior Member
Jews behind this plot to cut off Black mens dicks!

>Circumcision Reduces HIV Risk

Scientists say conclusive data shows there is no question circumcision reduces men's chances of catching HIV by up to 60 percent - a finding experts are hailing as a major breakthrough in the fight against AIDS. Now, the question is how to put that fact to work to combat AIDS across Africa.

Circumcision has long been suspected of reducing men's susceptibility to HIV infection because the cells in the foreskin of the penis are especially vulnerable to the virus.

A modeling study done last year projected that in the next decade, male circumcision could prevent 2 million AIDS infections and 300,000 deaths. Last year, 2.8 million people in sub-Saharan Africa became infected with HIV, and 2.1 million people died.

Experts say the breakthrough is a significant one on par with the identification of the virus and the use of lifesaving combination drug therapy.

The two U.S. studies confirm similar results from an earlier trial in South Africa. Given the recent failure of a microbicide trial in Africa and India, and the ongoing difficulties in developing an AIDS vaccine, the potential of circumcision as a new weapon against HIV has become even more significant.

Male circumcision is such a sensitive religious and cultural issue that we need to be careful," she said.

Note: Dr. Kevin de Cock is the director of the World Health Organization's AIDS department.
The dude's name is de Cock and he is recommending Circumcision. That shit is funny right there, I don't care who you are!
The article in the link has me wondering about the veracity of this finding. It compares two samples of African men (circumcised and uncircumcised). What strikes me is that circumcision is likely linked to a religious or cultural practice. Is the source of the difference in the cultural mores themselves rather than in the foreskin?