The next disaster for CNN unfolded when host Pamela Brown asked
@CalleyMeans a vaccination question that completely backfired.
Means flipped the script, using her question to highlight how the media obsesses over “measles” instead of focusing on health concerns that truly matter.
PAMELA BROWN: “Is now a time to promote vaccines... especially among children who are being impacted by measles in places like Texas and in these six states where, according to health officials, they are unvaccinated?"
CALLEY MEANS: “Pamela, with respect, why aren’t you asking me about the fact that 50% of teens have obesity? There are breathless segments being run and seen day after day after day, Pamela. It’s breathless coverage of five measles cases. Why aren’t we asking why 16% of COVID deaths worldwide were Americans when we’re only 4% of the world population? Because the CDC said our immune system ... no, it is related, Pamela. And let me say why: because the entire coverage of Bobby Kennedy is around measles. The Democrats said the word ‘measles’ 25 times in the first hearing and said the words ‘obesity,’ ‘diabetes,’ and ‘chronic disease’ zero times. The HHS priority document under President Biden said the word ‘equity’ 25 times, said the word ‘vaccines’ countless times, and did not say the word ‘obesity’ or ‘diabetes.’ There is a problem right now because this is not zero-sum. We are focused on a very small subset that’s important, we need good infectious disease management. Bobby Kennedy has said one thing about vaccines and one thing only: that they should be studied like any other product. Dr. Offit, on the ACIP committee, has recommended vaccines that have ended up being recalled for causing mass issues to kids. Bobby Kennedy has written multiple books, not about being anti-vax, but about having good science. And Dr. Offit is calling him anti-vaccine for literally just saying we need studies. Bobby Kennedy is not concerned with measles. He wants good policies with measles. He wants to attack the 92% of deaths in the United States, which is chronic conditions."