Another Lib Who See Murderer Troops


Junior Member
He knows this is a lie, produce the video. Just another libs fake but true account. LOL Total BS.

>>Sy Hersh: U.S. army in Iraq is the most “violent and murderous” in American history

>>Hersh described video footage depicting U.S. atrocities in Iraq, which he had viewed, but not yet published a story about.
He described one video in which American soldiers massacre a group of people playing soccer.
“Three U.S. armed vehicles, eight soldiers in each, are driving through a village, passing candy out to kids,” he began. “Suddenly the first vehicle explodes, and there are soldiers screaming. Sixteen soldiers come out of the other vehicles, and they do what they’re told to do, which is look for running people.”
“Never mind that the bomb was detonated by remote control,” Hersh continued. “[The soldiers] open up fire; [the] cameras show it was a soccer game.”
“About ten minutes later, [the soldiers] begin dragging bodies together, and they drop weapons there. It was reported as 20 or 30 insurgents killed that day,” he said.
If Americans knew the full extent of U.S. criminal conduct, they would receive returning Iraqi veterans as they did Vietnam veterans, Hersh said.
“In Vietnam, our soldiers came back and they were reviled as baby killers, in shame and humiliation,” he said. “It isn’t happening now, but I will tell you – there has never been an [American] army as violent and murderous as our army has been in Iraq.”
US troops haven't exactly been good boys and girls, have they?

Murdering ITN reporters, Abu Graibh, random acts of violence, Haditha etc etc etc

Whether they are worse than Vietnam is debatable....
glad you're in the UK Any! Stay there.

Stunning retort. Now we can see why everyone rates you as such a sharp wit.....