Another Modest Proposal


Ever since BushCo's bunko scheme began to unravel -- well, to fray around the edges a bit, anyway -- I've been searching for a handy term by which I can distinguish between the Bush supporters, on the one hand, and more traditional American conservatives, on the other. "Big Business Republicans" has no cachet at all and "The Bush Wing" is little better. "Social conservatives" is a bit better but also a bit too broad. Needless to say, I've been frustrated by this.

At last, however, I believe I've got the answer. Ironically, it's from BushCo itself and from its faithful followers that the appropriate answer comes.

From now on, I shall refer to them as Christo-fascists.
I try to stay away from playing the repub games on the nazi/fascist thing. I have no desire to drop to their level.
Who knew we had an aristocrat on our board? Do I bow, or do I merely bend my neck?

Aristocrat ????
Me I am jus a dumb ol hillbilly. Just don't like to lower myself to their game. So I just do little digs like. Republicans are proof that intelligent design is garbage.
Its either Busheeple or busho-facists because they will bail on christ teachings too to follow bush.
Ever since BushCo's bunko scheme began to unravel -- well, to fray around the edges a bit, anyway -- I've been searching for a handy term by which I can distinguish between the Bush supporters, on the one hand, and more traditional American conservatives, on the other. "Big Business Republicans" has no cachet at all and "The Bush Wing" is little better. "Social conservatives" is a bit better but also a bit too broad. Needless to say, I've been frustrated by this.

At last, however, I believe I've got the answer. Ironically, it's from BushCo itself and from its faithful followers that the appropriate answer comes.

From now on, I shall refer to them as Christo-fascists.

LOL To bush adminstration and their pundits, "fascism" seems to be the new focus-group tested buzzword to describe any and all authoritarian movements.