I would ignore polls if serious candidates were running in the same election.
I wrote off Cherokee Warren two seconds after she announced her candidacy, but the Monmouth poll did capture my interest:
If you have the stomach for it watch a few clips of Elizabeth Warren at campaign rallies and you will notice that she talks to the audience the way Communist teachers talk to young children. And just as young children trust their teachers to tell the truth adults believe everything a goddamned liar like Warren tells them.
I suspect that Warren’s delivery style is rooted in her stint as a classroom teacher.
Warren went on to teach university students where she honed the delivery style she uses at campaign rallies. Hell, she even looks like a dried prune teacher!
NOTE: None of the other wannabes sounds like a teacher. (Kamala Harris looks, and sounds like an over-the-hill tart selling used cars to make ends meet.)
In short: Teachers are instinctively believed by audiences of every stripe. No other profession is so honored.
Basically, in Warren’s mind telling political lies of every kind and getting away with it carries the same weight as lying about her Cherokee ancestry. It is no wonder that ‘Getting caught means nothing because I am teacher.’ became one of Warren’s core beliefs.
Democrats are glutton for punishment. Should they nominate Elizabeth Warren they will be asking for more of this:
In addition to all of the harm Socialist teachers did to generations of school children, this country’s elected officials who did the most lasting harm all came from the academic community. Woodrow Wilson, LBJ, W. J. Clinton, and his mentor J. William Fulbright. Barack Obama also has a parasite teacher’s background in academia. As bad as they are individually, Woodrow Wilson stands head and shoulders above the others. (Include FDR who did not come from the academy.)
God only knows the amount of damage thousands of less-famous teachers did to this country while working in obscure government positions.
Let me close with his often misunderstood line:
Taken in context Shakespeare was praising lawyers because they are guardians of the status quo.
Henry VI: Act 4. Scene II
JACK CADE: Be brave, then; for your captain is brave, and vows reformation. There shall be in England seven halfpenny loaves sold for a penny: the three-hooped pot; shall have ten hoops and I will make it felony to drink small beer: all the realm shall be in common; and in Cheapside shall my palfrey go to grass: and when I am king, as king I will be,--
ALL: God save your majesty!
JACK CADE: I thank you, good people: there shall be no money; all shall eat and drink on my score; and I will apparel them all in one livery, that they may agree like brothers and worship me their lord.
DICK: The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.
NOTE: Shakespeare should have made Jack Cade a teacher not a tailor because he sure sounded like a free-stuff Socialist.
I doubt if there are ten adults in America that never heard the line “Kill all the lawyers.” But how many know the reason Dick suggested mass murder?
Dick was saying that killing all lawyers was a necessary condition for successful revolution; i.e., putting Jack Cade the clothier on the English throne.
Conversely, killing all teachers to put an end to their revolution seems a bit harsh. Driving teachers away from the public trough, and out of government should do the job.
I wrote off Cherokee Warren two seconds after she announced her candidacy, but the Monmouth poll did capture my interest:
August 26, 2019
Pocahontas surges to lead for Dem nomination in odds offered by bookies
By Thomas Lifson
Pocahontas surges to lead for Dem nomination in odds offered by bookies
By Thomas Lifson
If you have the stomach for it watch a few clips of Elizabeth Warren at campaign rallies and you will notice that she talks to the audience the way Communist teachers talk to young children. And just as young children trust their teachers to tell the truth adults believe everything a goddamned liar like Warren tells them.
I suspect that Warren’s delivery style is rooted in her stint as a classroom teacher.
After obtaining a degree in speech pathology and audiology, but before enrolling in law school, Warren taught children with disabilities for a year in a public school. She taught with an "emergency certificate" because she had not taken the education courses required for a regular teaching certificate.
Warren went on to teach university students where she honed the delivery style she uses at campaign rallies. Hell, she even looks like a dried prune teacher!
NOTE: None of the other wannabes sounds like a teacher. (Kamala Harris looks, and sounds like an over-the-hill tart selling used cars to make ends meet.)
In short: Teachers are instinctively believed by audiences of every stripe. No other profession is so honored.
Basically, in Warren’s mind telling political lies of every kind and getting away with it carries the same weight as lying about her Cherokee ancestry. It is no wonder that ‘Getting caught means nothing because I am teacher.’ became one of Warren’s core beliefs.
Democrats are glutton for punishment. Should they nominate Elizabeth Warren they will be asking for more of this:
In addition to all of the harm Socialist teachers did to generations of school children, this country’s elected officials who did the most lasting harm all came from the academic community. Woodrow Wilson, LBJ, W. J. Clinton, and his mentor J. William Fulbright. Barack Obama also has a parasite teacher’s background in academia. As bad as they are individually, Woodrow Wilson stands head and shoulders above the others. (Include FDR who did not come from the academy.)
God only knows the amount of damage thousands of less-famous teachers did to this country while working in obscure government positions.
Let me close with his often misunderstood line:
The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.
Taken in context Shakespeare was praising lawyers because they are guardians of the status quo.
Henry VI: Act 4. Scene II
JACK CADE: Be brave, then; for your captain is brave, and vows reformation. There shall be in England seven halfpenny loaves sold for a penny: the three-hooped pot; shall have ten hoops and I will make it felony to drink small beer: all the realm shall be in common; and in Cheapside shall my palfrey go to grass: and when I am king, as king I will be,--
ALL: God save your majesty!
JACK CADE: I thank you, good people: there shall be no money; all shall eat and drink on my score; and I will apparel them all in one livery, that they may agree like brothers and worship me their lord.
DICK: The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.
NOTE: Shakespeare should have made Jack Cade a teacher not a tailor because he sure sounded like a free-stuff Socialist.
I doubt if there are ten adults in America that never heard the line “Kill all the lawyers.” But how many know the reason Dick suggested mass murder?
Dick was saying that killing all lawyers was a necessary condition for successful revolution; i.e., putting Jack Cade the clothier on the English throne.
Conversely, killing all teachers to put an end to their revolution seems a bit harsh. Driving teachers away from the public trough, and out of government should do the job.