Another psycho tranny plans school shooting


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This seems to be becoming a regular thing. Thankfully this psycho was busted before she could carry out her evil plan.

How was this kid able to have a shrine for school mass shooters without her parents knowing?

Trinity J Shockley, a transgender male who prefers to go by Jamie or Dex, allegedly planned to carry out a Parkland-style shooting Friday at Indiana’s Mooresville High School.

Police were alerted to Shockley’s alleged plans and arrested him 48-hours before the planned attack.

FOX News noted “the FBI in Indianapolis received a tip and contacted the Mooresville Metropolitan Police Department (MMPD) to assess the credibility.” The “tip” indicated that Shockley allegedly planned to carry out a school shooting with an AR-15 and that he “had ordered a bullet proof vest.”

The information given to the FBI also indicated Shockley was “infatuated” with the man who killed 17 people in the February 14, 2018, Parkland shooting.

KBTX reported Shockley wanted the Parkland shooter to recognize him as his “number one fan.”

Shockley’s home was searched on Wednesday and law enforcement uncovered a “shrine” to mass shooters,
with photos of such shooters on the wall, “as well as buttons with their faces on it.”
A trans person is just a guy who wears women's clothes, makeup and hair style.

What difference does it make in your life? It sounds like you want them banned or locked up. Maybe if you and your friends went to their house with a bunch of torches they would run in fear.

Trans people have absolutely no effect on your life. Or if they do, you are focused on them a little to much.
We have a lot of school shootings, and a lot of school shooting plots that are uncovered.

What % would you say have a transgender association? Ballpark is fine.
In typical lib fashion, you just can't bring yourself to face reality.

Barfly is resorting to a logical fallacy in their desperation to divert attention from the topic.

Do not fall for it!
This seems to be becoming a regular thing. Thankfully this psycho was busted before she could carry out her evil plan.

How was this kid able to have a shrine for school mass shooters without her parents knowing?

Trinity J Shockley, a transgender male who prefers to go by Jamie or Dex, allegedly planned to carry out a Parkland-style shooting Friday at Indiana’s Mooresville High School.

Police were alerted to Shockley’s alleged plans and arrested him 48-hours before the planned attack.

FOX News noted “the FBI in Indianapolis received a tip and contacted the Mooresville Metropolitan Police Department (MMPD) to assess the credibility.” The “tip” indicated that Shockley allegedly planned to carry out a school shooting with an AR-15 and that he “had ordered a bullet proof vest.”

The information given to the FBI also indicated Shockley was “infatuated” with the man who killed 17 people in the February 14, 2018, Parkland shooting.

KBTX reported Shockley wanted the Parkland shooter to recognize him as his “number one fan.”

Shockley’s home was searched on Wednesday and law enforcement uncovered a “shrine” to mass shooters,
with photos of such shooters on the wall, “as well as buttons with their faces on it.”
Oh please. You shitheads don't give a fuck about school shootings. But your eternal hard on for transgender people is a great way for you to fake it.
Barfly and Weasel, sittin' in a tree, spinning a big, fat fallacy!

When someone argues that something isn't an issue because it's not widespread or frequent, they might be employing several logical fallacies:

  1. False Dichotomy (or False Dilemma): This fallacy occurs when only two alternatives are considered, when in fact there might be more options. Here, the argument implies that if something isn't widespread, it can't be an issue at all, ignoring the possibility that even rare occurrences could be significant or problematic.
    • Example: "Since only a small percentage of people are affected, it's not a problem."
  2. Appeal to Probability: This is a form of argument where the likelihood of an event is used to determine its validity or importance. Just because something doesn't happen often doesn't mean it isn't a significant issue when it does occur.
    • Example: "Since this crime is rare, we shouldn't worry about it."
  3. Minimization: This involves downplaying the significance of an event or issue based on its frequency rather than its impact or moral weight.
    • Example: "It's just a few cases, so it's not something to be concerned about."
  4. Straw Man: Sometimes, the argument can be structured to misrepresent the opposing view by suggesting that the other side claims the issue is widespread when they might only argue that it is significant regardless of prevalence.
    • Example: "They say it's an epidemic, but it's only happening in a few places."
  5. Denial of the Antecedent: This fallacy arises when one assumes that because a condition (widespread occurrence) is not met, the consequence (it being an issue) must be false. However, the absence of widespread occurrence does not logically preclude the existence of a problem.
    • Example: "If it were really a problem, it would be happening everywhere."

These fallacies can obscure the real issues by focusing on frequency rather than the qualitative aspects of the problem, such as its severity, impact, or moral implications.

Essentially, every transgender has to be a perfect law-abiding citizen - or that whole community gets blamed.

Obviously, we'd like EVERYONE to be perfect law-abiding citizens. But criminals come in all shapes & sizes.
Law abiding or not, the cult is obsessed with transgender people and hates them. According to their porn searches they are also sexually attracted to them.

How many transgender threads have the MAGAts opened in the 27 days since Trump was inaugurated? 200? 300? They can't think about anything else, which actually indicates far more mental instability than what they accuse transgender people of.