Another racist cop gets away with murder


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This racist white man is trying to tell us we didn’t see what we saw!

These racist kops need to be stopped!
the guy who killed Garner just got fired

Im sure to you that proves Russia didn't attack us

Not good enough. he should be in prison like all other murders.

But since you turn a blind eye to American white racism you can’t see it.
Like the catholic priest he’ll just go work somewhere and be even more pissed at Blacks.

Lock his ass up!
did Russia attack us TQ?

do you want to hype the racist hate in this nation to help Putin?

you are fucking up girl
this is why we'll always be at war with each other, because you fucking racist idiots can't get over your own racism, so to mask it you call others racist. This wasn't about racism, this was about the armed enforcers of your ruling class choosing to violently enforce victimless laws that are clearly unconstitutional, but you can't bear to look upon your beloved government entities with anything but adoring worship because you think they are better than the people.

so fuck off, all of y'all and the next victim of police violence due to your apathetic worship of government force can be your fault as well
did Russia attack us TQ?

do you want to hype the racist hate in this nation to help Putin?

you are fucking up girl

Am I speaking the truth?

I’m calling out the people plastered all over my tv 24/7 blaming everyone but themselves.

You don’t want to be called out then fuckin take responsibility and do something about it.
