Another rascist republican bite the dust.


Villified User
blames it on alcohol too, darn all those republicans must be drinkers.

Fla. Lawmaker Charged in Slur Scandal

Nov 1, 4:44 PM (ET)


HIALEAH, Fla. (AP) - A state lawmaker under fire for leaving a message filled with obscenities and a racial slur on a colleague's voice mail resigned Wednesday and was charged with two crimes.

Rep. Ralph Arza, who had been urged to step down by fellow Republicans, including Gov. Jeb Bush, apologized for his actions and said he was resigning because he did not want to distract from the work of the GOP-led Legislature.

"I do not want to be the story," he said.

Arza acknowledged leaving the message on fellow Republican Rep. Gus Barreiro's voice mail last month but said he was drunk.

I saw this on the news, this Repug is nothing but a MOBSTER, and I am thankful this other Republican representative turned him in!
Arza acknowledged leaving the message on fellow Republican Rep. Gus Barreiro's voice mail last month but said he was drunk.

Ahhh, the old Mel Gibson excuse: "The beer made me say it!"

Personally, no matter how much beer I drink, the alchohol never seems to force my tongue to use the n-word.
Arza acknowledged leaving the message on fellow Republican Rep. Gus Barreiro's voice mail last month but said he was drunk.

Ahhh, the old Mel Gibson excuse: "The beer made me say it!"

Personally, no matter how much beer I drink, the alchohol never seems to force my tongue to use the n-word.

Tell me about it! This rehab excususe is getting out of hand. Foley is staying beyond the recommended 30 day treatment. Until just after the elections. Gee, I wonder why.
Tell me about it! This rehab excususe is getting out of hand. Foley is staying beyond the recommended 30 day treatment. Until just after the elections. Gee, I wonder why.
The two College Republicans recruited from the FSU o-line stationed outside his door might have something to do with it.
