Another rat abandons the SS Neocon.


Villified User
Hutchison: WMD info swayed vote on Iraq

By SUZANNE GAMBOA, Associated Press Writer Fri Oct 20, 7:43 PM ET

WASHINGTON - Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison , one of
President Bush's most ardent loyalists on the war in
Iraq, voiced her strongest criticism yet of the administration's reasons for going to war.

In a debate with her challenger in the Nov. 7 election, Hutchison, R-Texas, said she would not have voted for war had she known there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

link to story:
"Yes, I would never have shot those kids if someone could have proved to me that they didn't have any guns. I'm sorry, now, that I blew their brains out in front of their mothers."

Fucking cons.
Right... She says the same thing many Ds who voted for it say and suddenly she is some sort of evil monster? I get so tired of some of the partisan sheeple supporting one who says something but hating on somebody on the other side who says the same thing.
Right... She says the same thing many Ds who voted for it say and suddenly she is some sort of evil monster? I get so tired of some of the partisan sheeple supporting one who says something but hating on somebody on the other side who says the same thing.
Really? And here I thought you're the one so concerned about the motives and emotions people had when they made bad decisions.

Those Dims who supported this war did so for political expediency. As far as I'm concerned, they should all be made to be butt-fucked by donkeys . . . preferably in front of their children and collateral relatives. The Repugs who supported the war, however, did so for even more reprehensible reasons. Hell, they started the damned war.

Not all "cons" are Repukes. This is undeniably true. Still, at this particular juncture of history, the Repukes not only have the majority of cons, they actively embrace all of the stupid, immoral thinking that makes a con a con.
Libs so rational>>>>As far as I'm concerned, they should all be made to be butt-fucked by donkeys . . . preferably in front of their children and collateral relatives.
Libs so rational>>>>As far as I'm concerned, they should all be made to be butt-fucked by donkeys . . . preferably in front of their children and collateral relatives.
It's called "hyperbole" Toby. I could spell if for you -- and I just did. Ignore any dictionary definition relating to geometry. While it inspired the linguistic and poetic definitions, it's not directly related to the current discussion.
Vote democratic.. we support our opposition getting butt fucked by donkeys.

Funny how that works Ornot, "hyperbole" when you do it, hate speech when anyone you disagree with says anything even close to this. LOL
Vote democratic.. we support our opposition getting butt fucked by donkeys.

Yeah, I'd put that on my car. Actually, though, it should be "they support having their own traitors butt fucked by donkeys."
But "they" support would be a lie and the first would not be one. You are the one who thinks of donkeys and butt fucking.
Really? And here I thought you're the one so concerned about the motives and emotions people had when they made bad decisions.

Those Dims who supported this war did so for political expediency. As far as I'm concerned, they should all be made to be butt-fucked by donkeys . . . preferably in front of their children and collateral relatives. The Repugs who supported the war, however, did so for even more reprehensible reasons. Hell, they started the damned war.

Not all "cons" are Repukes. This is undeniably true. Still, at this particular juncture of history, the Repukes not only have the majority of cons, they actively embrace all of the stupid, immoral thinking that makes a con a con.


On May 1, 2003 during "mission accomplished" repukes were only too willing to take full credit for their war, and state that Dems had been on "the wrong side of history".

I wonder what happened to make them desparate to share equal credit for their war?