Another Syrian Murder In Lebanon


Junior Member
The evil of Syria strikes again. OH, let's talk with them.

>>Prominent Christian politician Pierre Gemayel was assassinated in a suburb of Beirut on Tuesday his death will heighten the political tension in Lebanon, where Hezbollah has threatened to topple the government if it does not get a bigger say in Cabinet decision making

Gemayel, the minister of industry and son of former President Amin Gemayel, was a member of the Kataeb party and supporter of parliamentary majority, which is locked in a power struggle with different parties led by Hezbollah.

Gemayel is the fifth figure to be assassinated in the past two years in Lebanon. Former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri was killed in a massive car bombing in February 2005. The journalist and activist Samir Kassir and former Communist Party leader George Hawi were killed in separate car bombings in June last year in addition to lawmaker and newspaper manager Gibran Tueni was killed in a car bombing in December.
Is that like another Mexican murder in the USA ?
Or another American murder in Columbia?

Anyway, within 9 months, Dubya's going to be yammering about what a great partner in the War On Terror Syria's become. Tobes will, of course, be repeating that line.