ANOTHER tRump sexual assault victim comes forward.


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tRump is an "old school" type of wealthy white male. They treat women like posessions and property. Not as human beings.

Regardless of how strong your feelings are toward abortion, the fact that any self respecting woman would support tRump is simply mind boggling. Then again, maybe they simply don't have the necessary "self respect" to be offended by tRump's deplorable and deviant behavior.
Only 26 and I am sure we all know that a small portion of women report what an attacker does. Trump is a pig. How many have there been?
But because Conservatives only care about sexual assault when it can be used for political gain, they don't care about this.
surely the DNC has another crew of women to without any evidence accuse Trump of sexual bad is pro-forma in pollical battles now.
If her claim is validated by the evidence, Trump should suffer the consequences.

So far, her "proof" is "tickets to the U.S. Open and photos showing her with Trump and a group of others in New York', and hearsay from people who could not have possibly witnessed the alleged assault.