Another Woman Lies About Being Attacked

Not an epidemic. That is not the only 2 in the country. You can find more . compare that with all the factual cases and the truth is clear. 5 percent of accusations are false. However, you have to note that rape is way under]reported . So 5 percent is a high number .

Oh I know the incident, saw on several reports, but here did you notice that the local NBC didn't take the time to add "The media notes that the woman is white and the child is black and therefore insists this is a racial incident," which I never saw anywhere else, "gateway" though thought it was important to add.

As I've told "hillbilly" a number of times, they frame news accounts, have even been caught fabricating news reports, i.e. the Vegas shooting, and are not a creditable source

As I said, "gateway," next