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New member
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If you don't have the answer, I do. The correct answer. How do I know it is the correct answer? Because I probably wouldn't be allowed to tell you. So I'm not going to attempt it.
Damo provides a Free Mind of the last.

Well I looked at all the categories. There is no "Free Mind Zone" listed. But that aside, EVERY forum should be a free mind zone. Each one should honor the concept of freedom of speech. Now I could see not allowing any sort of porn. There are already plenty of websites for that sort of thing. But off hand, I would say that anything else should be allowed. And if anybody thinks that anything that was said was untrue, let it come out in debate.
Well I looked at all the categories. There is no "Free Mind Zone" listed. But that aside, EVERY forum should be a free mind zone. Each one should honor the concept of freedom of speech. Now I could see not allowing any sort of porn. There are already plenty of websites for that sort of thing. But off hand, I would say that anything else should be allowed. And if anybody thinks that anything that was said was untrue, let it come out in debate.

We are now very deep into this Dark speech/free mind meeting places are now rare, and are in the process of going away entirely.

Enjoy JPP while it lasts.
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If you don't have the answer, I do. The correct answer. How do I know it is the correct answer? Because I probably wouldn't be allowed to tell you. So I'm not going to attempt it.

It's obviously hypocrisy, but this is the norm when you're part of a majority group vs a minority group.
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If you don't have the answer, I do. The correct answer. How do I know it is the correct answer? Because I probably wouldn't be allowed to tell you. So I'm not going to attempt it.

Because whites have not been historically oppressed, denied jobs, the right to vote, etc.

Also, you're a white supremacist douchebag.

Well I looked at all the categories. There is no "Free Mind Zone" listed. But that aside, EVERY forum should be a free mind zone. Each one should honor the concept of freedom of speech. Now I could see not allowing any sort of porn. There are already plenty of websites for that sort of thing. But off hand, I would say that anything else should be allowed. And if anybody thinks that anything that was said was untrue, let it come out in debate.

You're a Nazi douchebag who probably walked in on his girlfriend in college being railed on by a black guy. You're such a loser.
Because whites have not been historically oppressed, denied jobs, the right to vote, etc.

Also, you're a white supremacist douchebag.


How delusional you are. That isn't the answer either. Because Whites have had all those things happen to them. And they're still going on. Also, I would rather be a White supremacist "douchbag" that an idiot douchbag. Like you.
How delusional you are. That isn't the answer either. Because Whites have had all those things happen to them. And they're still going on. Also, I would rather be a White supremacist "douchbag" that an idiot douchbag. Like you.

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If you don't have the answer, I do. The correct answer. How do I know it is the correct answer? Because I probably wouldn't be allowed to tell you. So I'm not going to attempt it.

Who's pride is on display on St.Patricks Day? Plenty of other white prides from Italian to French.
Who's pride is on display on St.Patricks Day? Plenty of other white prides from Italian to French.

Yeah, the Irish. The most reviled of all White people. So that isn't doing much. As for Italians, I would more classify them as semite rather than White. As for France, I can't think of anything French that is celebrated here in the U.S. Santa isn't French. The Easter Bunny isn't French. As far as I know, not even the tooth fairy is French.